S1 : ep4 : NAKED

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Y/n had sulked off to her room once Nick had left. She had a lot of work to do for her job that she had been putting off for a few weeks now. Since everyone was off doing their own thing, Y/n saw it as a perfect opportunity to get the work started and ultimately finished.

Once she opened her small, compact computer, she began. five minutes into her work she heard an obscure reggae song play from Nick's room. Doing her best to try and ignore it, Y/n placed her earphones into her ears yet nothing could block out the irritating noise.

"Hey, Nick, can you turn down that music?"   Y/n yelled from her place on her bed. The music continued on as Y/n sighed and heaved herself off her bed. Stalking across the hall, Y/n opened Nick's door with a bang.

"Hey, Nick, can you..." Y/n began before casting her wide eyes at Nick Miller's complete ass. Her mouth gaped as Nick turned around and faced her with his full frontal nakedness.

"What...? What are you...?!" Nick started, eyes wide with embarrassment. Before he could continue, Y/n screamed and closed the door.

"Oh my god" she thought "I've seen his dick"

"Oh my god" he thought "she's seen my dick"

Y/n quietly moved from in front of Nick's door to the open plan sitting room where she found Winston begging Schmidt to quizz him on chitchat. Jess was sitting quietly in the corner, her head in a small novel.

"Soooooo" Y/n began "can i talk to you guys about something?". The boys twisted their bodies towards Y:/n showing their undivided attention as Jess rose her head out of her book.

"Somethings happened and it was totally an accident"
The boys looked at each other fearing the worst as Y/n continued.
" I accidentally saw Nick's dick"

"What!!" Jess exclaimed throwing her book down in excitement.

"What? What'd she say?" Winston said to Schmidt.

Y/n took a breath before continuing. "I saw Nick's dick and balls..."

"You saw his pee-pee and bubbles?" Jess asked her mouth hanging wide open.

"Yes Jess... I saw Nick's 'pee-pee and bubbles', but it was totally an accident" Y/n continued, cringing at the memory. It wasn't like she didn't like what she saw it was just the fact that she wasn't prepared and it wasn't necessarily consensual on either parts. It was a shock to the system to say the least.

Nick's door opened before anyone could say anything else. Nick made a bee line for the door wearing a red hoodie zipped up to his neck with the hood up.

Y/n ran over to him, blocking his exit.

"Oh, Nick, hey." Y/n stated seeing the awkwardness in Nick's face

"Hey, Y/n"

"So, that was weird, right?" She began a small smile on her face to show friendliness and not awkwardness.

"I'm running out the door, Y/n"

"I think we should talk about it" Y/n begged the man, not wanting this awkwardness to linger between the best friends.

"Talk about what?" He asked tilting his head at her.  Y/n scoffed. "About me seeing your..."

"You're blocking the door" Nick said plainly.

"Okay cool" Y/n said, embarrassed she had even brought it up. "Have fun on your date" she laughed awkwardly. "Tell that guy to behave" she said pointing to his crotch area.

Winston and Schmidt behind her looked horrified;only adding to her embarrassent.

"Okay. Excuse me, Y/n" Nick said before moving Y/n out of the way and opening the door.

Once the door had shut Y/n groaned and ran over towards the couch were Winston was sitting

"That was so horrible." Schmidt deadpanned shaking his head in her direction.

What am I gonna do?" She asked the boys as well as Jess - who had gone back to her book.
"He's never gonna speak to me again. I'm so embarrassed" Y/n cried placing her head in her hands.

"It's not a big deal. I've seen Nick's stuff, like a, million times" Winston said as he rubbed Y/n's back in support. She smiled gratefully but before she could respond, Schmidt cut in.

"You have?" He questioned. "I mean...how?"

"We grew up togethe Locker rooms, swimming pools, penis fights... it just happens."

Y/n's eyebrow raised at the normality of Winston saying that he and Nick had had penis fights. Before she could ponder the subject Schmidt continued.

"Why haven't I seen it?"

"Why do you want to see it?" Y/n asked softly her face hurting because of the strange faces she was making.

"He's my best friend" Schmidt replied obviously.

"Again, why do you want to see it?" Winston asked.

"What if Nick gets into an accident?" Schmidt said plainly.
"What if he's horribly disfigured, and I have to identify him, and all that remains are his private parts?" Schmidt continued on.

"And I'm standing there and I'm saying, "Sorry, Officer, I can't help you, because no, I haven't seen his penis." And then boom, he's buried in an unmarked grave."

"Again, why do you want to see it?" Winston asked. Y/n laughed but immediately shut her mouth when she remembered the situation.

"What did it look like?" Schmidt asked Y/n.

"What do you mean" she asked cautiously.

"Just say when"

Y/n scoffed and shook her head as Schmidt began to widen the gap between his two hands.

As the gap got wider, Schmidt's eyes did too.  Y/n stared at him plainly really asking herself if he was serious.

"Seriously? Are you s.. Are you serious?" He asked. Y/n's stare still cutting ice.

"Okay, you know what. This is impossible. I'm staring over"

"Schmidt, seriously i need your help" Y/n begged.

"Okay...all right, Y/n, fine" he said softly obviously feeling bad for her. He knew what Nick ment to her and he could see the stress she was under over this silly situation.

"What happened after you walked in?" Jess asked, her nose still in her book.

"I don't know. I kind of laughed"

"Ohhh Y/n come on you know better than to laugh at a naked man" Winston whined. "Especially Nick"

"I know, I know" she cried "I didn't mean to laugh"

"Now, listen to me. You're gonna act like this never happened" Winston explained. Y/n pondered the idea before Jess spoke up.

"We live together. We're a family. Families talk about things. You have to say something Y/n" Jess said softly.

Schmidt turned to Jess as if she had said something wildly offensive. "No. Families ignore things until they go away".

"Okay. I'll ignore it" Y/n concluded her lips brought into a tight smile.

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