S1 : ep 1 : pilot

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The gang rushed into the restaurant to see Jess fighting with the waitress over what looked like a basket of bread.

"WE'RE HERE! Yup, we're here, Jess! We're here." Nick yelled running up to the table with Schmidt, Coach and Y/n following closely behind.

"We're here for the date, the date thing." Schmidt added pointing at Jess.

The waitress looked shocked "You're all here, for the date?"

"Yeah we are. We're her boyfriends." Nick paused for a minute looking over at Y/n " and uhhhh girlfriend, we are reversed mormons, one person just isn't enough for her."

The waitress looked confused before walking away mumbling under her breath.

"Hey, Jess, that guys was a jerk, he's a clown." Nick said to the poor girl.

" you Jessica Day are worth a million times more than him" Y/n added giving the girl a long hug.

Jess started to tear up "You guys missed your party to come here and, to see me?"

"Yeah, we uh, we care about you. We like you." Nick laughed through the sentence.

"That's so nice" Jess sniffled.

"What is that?" Coach asked pointing to her eyes which were filled with tears.

"Don't start crying." Nick added.

"Come on." Coach remarked as Jess began to cry.

"It's cool. It's very very cool." She said while crying. Y/n looked over at coach and Schmidt not knowing what to do.

"Come on, Jess, come on." Nick tried to get the girl to stop crying.

"Stop it!" Coach semi-yelled painfully aware that he was still in a restaurant.

"Coach, shut up. It's okay, hey, don't cry." Nick said before he began to sing very badly "For I've had the time of my life." Jess looked up at nick while Y/n, Coach and Schmidt sent him weird looks.

"What is he doing?" Coach whispered to Y/n and Schmidt who's jaws were practically on the floor.

"And I've never felt this way before. Yes it's true. Na na na na na, and it's" nick hit coach and Y/n to also get them to sing along "something something something, something something."

"Nick I love you man but I'm not singing" Y/n whispered into his ear roughly. Nick shoved his elbow into her side and she muttered a small ow.

She looked at coach and rolled her eyes before also beginning to sing the song.

"I'm not uh, I'm not doing any of this." Schmidt shrugged his shoulders before coach hit him. He soon began singing  "Just remember, you're the one thing, I can't get enough of."

The gang briefly stop singing and Jess laughs. They start to mumble random words and then began to sing the chorus loudly.

"What time is it!!??" Nick yelled before the group all sang "I've had the time of my life-"

They were soon cut off by the waitress telling them to leave the restaurant. They look at each other before they burst into song and left the establishment.


Back at the loft, the group were sitting on the couch watching dirty dancing. Y/n was sprawled across the three guys half asleep while dirty dancing played in the background.

"You're right Jess, this movie's pretty good." Nick said to the girl.

"Seriously, thank you guys for tonight, that was really cool." Jess blushed. Y/n mumbled a small 'any time" before slipping into a deep sleep but not before she heard schmidt say

"Listen Jess, I know you've had a rough go with it, I just want you to know, that, I mean for me at least, no matter what, I would still totally do you."

Y/n shook her head from nicks lap.

"Aww, that's so sweet." She said.

"Yeah, absolutely." Schmidt replied pleased with himself.

"Jar!" She yelled. Y/n quietly laughed before nick began to stroke her hair, giving the douche bag jar over to schmidt.


End of episode 1

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