S1 : ep2 : kryptonite

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Y/n and nick entered the apartment laughing at some joke that had just been told.
Winston was coming back to the loft today and Y/n was beyond excited. She was definitely closest to Winston out of all the guys. Before he left for Latvia, the pair were in a friends with benefits type relationship. Y/n wasn't looking for this again necessarily. She was in a semi-happy relationship with Matt ; semi-happy meaning that he was being a dick and drinking a lot. She tried to break up with him but he promised that he would change. Y/n was good at a lot of things and spotting a liar was one of them. She knew in her heart that he wouldn't change but yet again she gave him the benefit of the doubt.

Y/n and nick walked into the kitchen and heard jess and Schmidt talking his room. Nick shrugged his shoulders at Y/n and walked into Schmidt's room as she followed closely behind.

"Hey, what is going on out here?" Nick asked.

"Um, Schmidt wants to know where in his room he looks the sexiest." Jess replied wearing a weird costume

"Okay I'm not even gonna ask about the outfit Jessica day. And Schmidt....... no words, i have no words" y/n remarked leaning against the door.

"Well it's a big room. What are your choices?" Nick stated looking at schmidt while giving Y/n a small push.

"Ok, I'm glad you asked Nick, at least someone cares... I'm looking at you
Y/n . Alright, here?" He asked as he ran over to his bed "Here?" He asked again sitting in his armchair. "Or here? You know, maybe just reading a book or something." He asked for the final time sitting on the arm of the arm chair.

"Schmidt I just wanna apologise for how rude i was a few seconds ago and I'd really be happy to help" Y/n said while a huge smirk sat on her face.

"Y/n I'm really glad that you've come out of your little anger slump that you've been in for the past few days" Schmidt observed while shaking his head a little.

Y/n's smile grew wider "no, no of course, can we just see them all again?"
Nick looked over at y/n and smirked.

"Yeah there's a lot of options. Could you do them again really fast?" Nick asked.

"You wanna see them again?" Schmidt replied nodding his head.


"Ok. Here? Here? Here?" Schmidt said as he ran between the three spots. Y/n bit the inside of her cheek to stop her laughter. Jess caught on to what nick and y/n we're doing deciding to join in herself.

"Wait, what was the first one again?" she smirked.

"OK. I get it. All laugh at Schmidt, great. Here? Here?..."


Y/n lugged herself into the kitchen nursing a major hangover. She turned the corner and saw Jess putting cream cheese on a bagel while talking to Nick.

"Morning Ms tequila" Nick laughed before taking a sip of his coffee.

"Ssssshhhhh. Too loud" Y/n whispered before sitting on the counter and closing her eyes.

"I'm so excited to meet him..." jess said before putting her bagel in her mouth.

"No, Jess he's sleeping. He flew in late last night, we took him straight to the bar, took a bunch of shots, got drunk, screamed I love America.Now he's happily passed out. Let's let him sleep." Nick explained moving past Jess to get Y/n some paracetamol and a glass of water. She thanked him before taking the medication and leaning on his shoulder.

"Guess I'm not the new kid anymore, I'm just one of the guys." Jess stated.

"You're still the new kid, Winston lived here before Coach did." Nick explained to the girl who was preparing a breakfast for Winston.

"So Coach said, that they used to play basketball together at college, but then Winston went pro..." jess said not with complete assurance. Schmidt turned around the corner and shook his head.

"In Latvia, okay? He went pro in Latvia, there's Well the team logo, is a fig. Just a.. just a one single fig." Schmidt remarked before he patted
Y/n on the shoulder feeling her hangover second hand.

"Oh, you're jealous. That's so cute." Jess laughed. Y/n smirked at what Jess had just said before finally opening her eyes.

"Of Winston? No no no. Look, I'm not jealous of Winston. Ok, it's been two years, he's gonna have to recognize, I'm a lot flyer now. Wanna see me flex my base?" Schmidt said beginning to take his shirt off.

"Naw naw naw naw. Put your shirt on." Nick laughed.

"What is it with you and taking your shirt off man" y/n quietly giggled.

"Let me flex my base. Let me flex my base, man." Schmidt said completely ignoring Y/n and Nick.

"Put your shirt on." Nick said before he jokingly covered Y/n's eyes. She laughed before pushing his hand away.

"Baboom" he stated pointing at his pecks.

"It's the morning, man" nick complained.

"He's gonna love it." Jess whispered
Before carrying the breakfast into Winston's room.

"Jess, what are you doing?" Nick asked before turning to schmidt and Y/n "What is she doing?"

Jess kicked Winston's door open and placed the breakfast tray on the ground. Winston jumped up in the bed.

"What the.. what the.." he asked before pointing at jess "who?"

"I'm Jess." She plainly states before leaning his room. Once she got back into the kitchen she began to sing " I'm Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssss!"

She turned around to see Nick, Schmidt and Y/n shaking their heads.

"What's happening?! Why are you doing that" Winston yelled from his room.


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