Dragon-shifter #1

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The pine forest rises over what otherwise would be a bare rain-washed rocky scree, creating an artwork of untold beauty on a canvas that requires the hand of Jörð. Beneath the slopes of slate ran a crystal clear river blanketed in thick morning fog. A rare day for the early days of summer on Berk.

Perched on the cliff overlooking his island stood a young man of around twenty. His tousled golden brown hair whipped about his face in the early morning breeze. The sunlight glinted of his eyes making them sparkled the brightest shade of emerald known to earth. Even the ancient ever-greens couldn't reach the natural beauty held in his irises.


The boy raised his head at the intrusion but kept his eyes on the horizon. A beautiful young maiden appeared next to him, blonde hair weaved into plaits. She placed her hand over his, squeezing lightly to provide some sort of comfort.

"Are you okay?"

How was he supposed to answer that? Only a few hours had passed since his life had changed so drastically. His world had been torn apart for him to build back up with the few remaining pieces still intact.

"I can't begin to imagine what you are feeling. But I am here if you need to talk."

"I appreciate that Astrid. But I need to be alone."

Hiccup made an almost invisible gesture and a shadow bounced to his side. The dragon gurgled softly nudging his rider to his feet. Astrid watched as the newly appointed chief mounted his dragon and flew out to sea. Stopping him would be foolish, joining him even more so.

Astrid whistled for her dragon and flew back down to the village to help with repairs after their latest attack. Spears of ice mixed with splinters of wood dotted the once lively village and although work was well under way to restore their island to its former beauty, there was still weeks maybe months of work ahead of them.

Hiccup brought Toothless to a halt on a distant sea stack. From where he sat Berk was no more than a speck on the horizon. It was here Hiccup felt comfortable enough to let out his frustration. A yell so powerful that it could compare to that of a thunderdrum echoed of the crumbling tower of stone.

Toothless whimpered at his friends heartache unable to quite understand the cause. But dragons are empathetic creatures, they feel every emotion you display. So Toothless answered his call with an equally pained roar followed by deep purr. Hiccup slumped against his dragon, wrapping his arms around his neck as he cried.

The young chief cried for what felt like hours. His father was dead, there was no getting him back. The constant reminder of his presence was plastered all over the island to the point of it being overwhelming. Hiccup couldn't cope.

Suddenly Toothless jumped up knocking his master to the floor. He let out a threatening growl, swiping his tail back and forth menacingly. Hiccup wiped away the tears from his puffy eyes and stared into the tiny pocket of forest bundled on the sea stack. Through the trees he could make out two crystal blue eyes glowing in the shadows.

"Show yourself." Hiccup ordered, hand on his sword.

The bushes rustled and from the trees crept a boy no older than Hiccup. His hair was snow white fading out to blue at the tips. He was rather tall with clad in a faded leather tunic sporting several rips and stains. Much like Hiccup the boy had tear stains down his cheeks making Hiccup drop his defensive stance immediately.

Sensing the shift in atmosphere Toothless sat back on his hind legs and cocked his head in curiosity. The dragon was rather confused why everyone seemed to be crying yet immediately set out to help the boy.

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