Dragon-shifter #2

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Upon the forest floor lie trees of yesteryear, fallen in storms long forgotten. The seasons have been harsh, stripping away the bark and outer layers, yet rendering them all the more beautiful. They have the appearance of driftwood, twisting in patterns that remind Jack of seaside waves; even the colour of the moss is kelp-like. They are soft, damp, yet his fingers come away dry. 

Jack tilts his head upward, feeling his silver hair catch in the midnight breeze. Birdsong comes in lulls and bursts, the silence and the singing working together as well as any improvised melody. A new smile paints itself upon his porcelain face, rose-pink lips semi-illuminated by the dappled moonlight. 

His wings hang down his back like a scaled cloak of royalty, brushing delicately against the pine-needles. Jack leant against the trunk letting his legs dangled of the branch he was perched in, eyes closed in complete peace.


Jack nearly fell out of the tree at the interruption. Despite being on the island for a month he still hadn't grown used to the idea people want to be around him. Most of the time he could be seen taking himself of into the forest alone to keep out of the way of the workers.

"Up here."

The tree was bent backwards as Toothless landed on a branch way to flimsy for his weight. Hiccup was relieved to have finally found his friend after almost an two hours of searching.

"What you doing up here alone?"

"Didn't want to bother anyone." Jack replied closing his eyes once more. Hiccup shook his head fondly. He gave an imperceivable signal to Toothless who grabbed Jack in his paws and took of into the night sky.

"Hiccup! Put me down!"

"Sorry no can do." Hiccup teased with a smirk.

"You know what Haddock!" Jack spread his wings freeing himself from Toothless' grasp. He flew above the dragon, briefly checking to make sure his tail was out before picking Hiccup by his armpits.

"For the love of thor!"

"What's the matter Hiccup? Something bothering you?" Toothless gurgled as if laughing at his rider who was flailing pathetically in Jack's arms. He glided down to the forest floor as Jack began to climb.

A mischievous grin spread across the shifter's face and he barrel rolled through the clouds. Hiccup gripped on to Jack's arm for dear life, burying his face in the crook of Jack's elbow. When they broke the clouds Jack slowed down gliding gracefully with Hiccup dangling beneath him.

Hiccup slowly looked forward a smile gracing his features at the scenery. Stars splattered the sky as if painted by the gods, the full moon much larger from this perspective. Billowing clouds stood apart from the navy blue canvas curling around the men as they soared by.

"Okay Jack you can return me to solid ground now." Hiccup whispered. Jack complied and started his decent back to the forest. 

Toothless greeted them back on Berk licking Hiccup fondly. Hiccup groaned shaking of the saliva from his hands. Jack chuckled at the disgust on his face so being the petty person he is, Hiccup flicked dragon saliva at Jack.

"Ew!" Jack exclaimed rubbing his cheek furiously. Now it was Hiccup's turn to laugh.

"We should probably get back to the village now. I came out here to bring you back, there is a meeting we would like you to attend." Hiccup mounted toothless and shot back up into the sky, Jack hot on their heels. 

They raced back to the village, curiosity burning in Jack's stomach. He had never been asked to attend a meeting before, especially one that seemed so important from the way Hiccup was talking about it. Before entering the great hall Jack cloaked his wings not wanting to draw anymore attention to himself than there undoubtedly will be.

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