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Modern AU, no magic or dragons sadly

This is gonna be a short one, no real context other than the fanart above because I cba 😂


"Psst Hiccup! Hiccup!" Jack hissed tugging on the back of the boy's hoodie. Hiccup turned slightly so the silver haired boy was in his peripheral vision.

"What?" He hissed back, making sure his classmates couldn't hear a word.

"I'm tired." Jack whined, tugging more on the green fabric which in turn almost pulled hiccup from his chair. The metal legs scraped against the linoleum floor creating an ear piercing screech.

Their teacher, Mr Gobber, rounded on the class with a steely gaze which eventually hardened on the two.

"Are you even paying attention Haddock? Frost?" The boys dipped their heads, picking up their pens. Seemingly satisfied with this reaction Gobber turned back round to the whiteboard and began his writing once more. Almost instantly Hiccup felt another tug on his hood.

Without a word the brunette stretched out in his chair enough for Jack to rest his head in the hood of his jacket. Soft snores were muffled by the fabric but still loud enough for students around to notice. Hiccup either didn't notice or didn't care as he too started to drift of to sleep.

Next thing they can remember is a deafening thud followed by a cacophony of laughs.

"Haddock! Frost! Wake up!!"

"Nooo" Jack whined, completely out of it. This sparked more laughed and lead to the duo being dragged out the room.

"Well done frost. Got us kicked out again."

"Maybe you should let me sleep instead of-"

"Ah ah ah, you don't need to finish that sentence."

Yeah idk what this is but I like it lmao

Frostcup One shots ❄️Where stories live. Discover now