Flying higher

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Part two to Flying High


The next few days were filled with laughter and adventure. The group took Jack on a tour of the entire island, Jack riding behind Hiccup as before.

No one questioned the two's sudden closeness. I guess its because they know how likeable Hiccup is, how his infectious personality draws in all types of people. This kind of friendship was normal for the teen to obtain.

Only Astrid saw the real feelings behind their actions. Even if the ones doing it did not.

Jack had been staying at Hiccup's house, on a makeshift bed in the boys floor. Stoik seemed to grasp that something was going on, but waited a while to confront his son. He made sure they were alone when he did so.

"Son I want to talk to you." Stoik said in his normal booming voice. Thank god Jack was at the Great hall.

"Sure what it is."

"What's going on between you and Jack." Hiccup nearly choked on his water. He was not expecting that.

"Nothing why would you say that?"

"Oh come on Hiccup. I know you to well to know those looks are more than friendly. Plus you were so quick to take him in that something else must be at play."

Hiccup fiddled with that straps of his belt, holding back tears. Truth be told he really didn't want these feelings. He wanted to be normal, like all the other Vikings in the village. What he was feeling was far from normal.

"Hiccup look at me." Hiccup looked up with watery eyes, making Stoik's heart break. "You don't need to be ashamed of these feelings. You are still my son and I love you all the same."

Hiccup couldn't hold back the tears this time. He made his way over to his father and slumped into his chest, bawling his eyes out. He wasn't expecting acceptance. He wasn't expecting it at all.

On the other side of the door, Jack stood frozen (a/n aha get it!!). He had heard everything. Everything. On the one hand he was ecstatic that Hiccup felt the same as he did. But on the other he could see how much emotional turmoil he was causing the boy. He didn't want to see him like that.

So instead of knocking and entering, he ran off into the trees and flew deep into the forest.

That wasn't his best idea to date.


"Hiccup I'm sure he is fine. After what he told us I am sure he has dealt with worse." Astrid comforted, tightening the shawl around her shoulders to protect her from the freezing breeze.

"Don't you see Astrid. This is him, he is causing the blizzard. He could be hurt or upset, we have to find him before the storm worsens." Hiccup cries desperately, urging toothless to go faster. Using the nightfury's echo location, they tracked the boy down in less than an hour.

He told the others to stay put and approached Jack alone. He could hear the sniffles coming from the boy and wanted nothing more than to cradle him in his arms and comfort him.


Jack whipped round wiping away his tears.


The two stared at eachother, not knowing what to say.

"Are you okay?" Hiccup asked gently. Only then did Jack realise the storm.

"Oh god I'm sorry, I didn't mean to start this." Jack spluttered, closing his eyes and willing the snow to stop. The clouds cleared quickly, once again drowning the forest in sunlight.

"It's okay. But are you? I know your powers get out of control when your upset." Hiccup moved closer, their body language similar to when they first met a couple of days ago.

"No I'm not. I heard what you and your dad where talking about and I don't want to be the cause of your saddness. Clearly me being here has caused you pain. It's best if I leave." Jack began to hover before Hiccup pulled him back down to earth and hugged him tightly.

"You have done nothing wrong, Jack. I was crying because I had finally been able to tell someone. Finally able to get it of my chest."

"And that is...?" Jack said with a small smirk, earning him a gently slap to the back of the head.

"I think you know what."

"Yeah but I want to hear you say it."

"I like you Jack. I like you a lot." Jack beamed and hugged the Viking tighter than before.

Somewhere in the distance Snotlout was making kissy sounds. Shortly followed by a clang of metal and a yelp.

"Thank you Astrid." Jack laughed quietly. The two pulled apart and gazed at eachother lovingly.

"Can I...can I do something?" Hiccup asked shyly. Jack nodded still smiling brightly. Hiccup leaned in and planted a quick kiss on the boy's cheek. Or at least that's where he was aiming. Jack turned at the last second, joining their lips instead.

Hiccup expected Jack to pull away, but instead he deepened the kiss, sending shivers down Hiccup's spine. A light dusting of frost surrounded the pair as they fought for dominance.

It all ended quickly when a plasma blast exploded a near by boulder.

"Really Toothless!" Hiccup exclaimed, staring down his dragon with mock aggression. Jack just laughed and pulled Hiccup towards the dragon.

"Come on. I do believe we have a date to get to."

"We do?" Hiccup asked, eyebrow raised.

"Oh we do." Jack said with a sly smile.

The rest of the night was spent on the very same sea stack the two met, laughing and joking around. The occasional kiss was shared, but nothing as sweet and as passionate as that first one. Nothing will ever live up to that.


I hope you enjoyed the first installment to this book! There will be many more Disney/Pixar/DreamWorks fics to come so stay tuned!

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