dragon-shifter #5

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The arrival at Berk bittersweet. At first the arrival of the chief was celebrated until they caught sight of the limp body in his arms.

Jack was taken from Hiccup's arms and transferred into Gothi's hut. Dragon-shifters who were gifted in healing joined her determined to save the man that freed them.

Hiccup tried to follow but was dragged through the village square by Snotlout. Hiccup fought every step until he eventually managed to break loose.

"Snotlout what the hell."

"I'm sorry Hiccup. Astrid's orders." Said Snotlout with an apologetic look.

Hiccup made a break for the hut but Hookfang blocked his path. Snotlout grabbed his wrist once more trying to subdue the viking. The chief clawed at Snotlout yelling at the top of his lungs to let go.

Not fond of the attention Hiccup was drawing to himself Valka stepped in, leading her son to an empty hut on the edge of the village. Toothless followed in their wake growling at anyone who stared too long.

"Hiccup you need to calm down." Valka stated locking the door to prevent his escape.

"Calm down! I am calm. I am so fucking calm it's unbelievable. It's not like I am losing the closest thing to a soulmate someone could possibly find. Straight after the death of my father who I had to watch die. My fault by the way, he died because of me. So yeah I am completely calm. Why wouldn't I be."

He spoke with laughter on his tongue, but not one filled with joy. More like desperation; panic. A spark of insanity swirled among the emerald green of his eyes and for a moment Valka didn't see her son. She saw a broken shell of a boy who has been forced to deal with so much; too much.

Hiccup punched the wall sending a splintering pain through his forearm. Finding he enjoyed the pain he did it again and again and again until all feeling had been lost. When the tears came he let them fall unable to deal with the war in his mind any longer.

His knees buckled and he collapsed against the wall. Valka knelt down beside him and combed her hands through his tousled hair as he wept.

"Why him? Why did it have to be him?" Pain seeped out of every crack in his voice; pain no man, woman or child should ever have to feel.

"I don't know Hiccup." Valka whispered sadly.

"It's too much mum. He pieced me back together when I had fallen apart. Now he's gone." Hiccup buried himself into his mother's shoulder shaking far too much for it to be healthy.

"I never got to tell him."

"Tell him what son?" Hiccup shook his head unable to form the last words Jack had uttered. The words that would be engraved into his brain until the day he draws his last breath.

"You can tell me." Her voice coaxed the phrase that had settled on the tip of his tongue out into the open.

"I love him." He whispered with a muffled sob.

Hiccup clung to his mother tighter as the overwhelming reality hit him. He would never hear those words from his love again. He would never experience the joy of their first kiss, or anything a relationship entails. All he has left are his memories and the overbearing thought that this was his fault.

"I love him and I can't have him."


"I never got to say goodbye." Thiana cried clinging on to Aster like a life line.

"He knew what he was doing Thia. This was his choice to make." Anyone could tell Aster was fighting back tears of his own but for the sake of Thia he was holding himself together.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2021 ⏰

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