The boy from Berk

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Part two!!!


Hiccup and Toothless shot through the sky, unable to stay hidden due to Hiccup's fiery hair. Every attempt he made to put it out just made it grow in both size and strength.

"He hates me bud. He's right, I am a monster." The boy cried, his tears sizzling against his burning skin. Toothless growled, annoyed that someone has made his master feel such raw emotion.

"I should let them take me. I deserve to be killed."

"You really think we would kill you?" Snotlout's voice called out from behind him. "You are more our chief than Stoik is. Always have been. We are not about to betray you just because you can create a little fire."

"Then why are you chasing me?" Hiccup said trying to calm his tears and failing.

"Because knowing you, you would go and do something stupid." Ruff said her twin chiming in with 'yeah's.

Hookfang glided closer to Toothless, but sparks of orange encased the pair preventing anyone coming to close.

"I'm sorry I can't control it. Please leave I don't want to hurt you." Snotlout grunted but moved back all the same. The three dragons landed in a large clearing at the base of the mountains, the very same spot Hiccup found Jack.

"Where are-" hiccup was cut of by a female war cry and the clash of metal. He jumped back, fire spilling from his hands only to find Astrid holding Snotlout in a choke hold and Jack holding the twins in the air by their ankles.

"Thank Thor we found you Hiccup." Jack exclaimed running up to extinguish the flames.

"They said they wouldn't hurt me. It's okay really, you can let them go." Hiccup mumbled, revelling in the coolness of Jack's hands against his cheek.

Astrid reluctantly let Snotlout drop to the floor and went to Hiccup's side. She hated seeing her best friend this upset.

"Hiccup what should we do." Tuff asked, his voice lacking his normal cocky tone.

"I don't know, Tuff. I don't know."


Hiccup tossed and turned in his bed unable to rid himself of the guilt he was feeling. Because of him, his father had called war on the edge, saying the riders disobedience was treason. Gobber's switch of sides sent Stoik over the edge, made him even more vengeful and violent than before. Knowing that all of Berk was coming to Dragons Edge made Hiccup feel sick. People are going to get hurt because of him. This was all his fault.

"Hiccup can I talk to you?" Came Jack's voice from the floor below. Hiccup jumped out of bed and hurried down the stairs, glad to be in the boys company.

"What is it Jack?" Hiccup said a little too eagerly.

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright. There was a giant wall of fire around your hut." Jack said with a hint of a smirk. Hiccup rolled his eyes and seated himself at the dining table.

"I'm just fine."

"Hiccup don't lie to me. I know when someone is hurting. I can see it in your eyes. You don't have to pretend for me."

That's all it took for Hiccup to break down. Jack scooped him into a hug, stroking his hair that was threatening to alight.

"It's okay Hiccup." Jack cooed.

"No it's not. Because of me my dad is leading an entire army to Dragons Edge. I am constantly putting my team at risk because I can't control myself. Everything is falling apart and I can't do anything to stop it." Small fires spread across his hut, immediately put out by sheets of ice.

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