The boy from the mountains

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Imagine Race to the Edge era riders.

I threw in a massive plot twist...ehehehehehe


A sea of green blurred underneath the night fury, who was moving a mile a minute through the  winter air. His rider wore his signature dragon scale armour and a mask shielding him from the bite of the cold months to come. The two landed on a small sea stack a little way out from the coastline and took in the beauty of their new home.

Huge mountain ranges peaked in he centre of the island, capped with snow that glistened in the snow. Below was a blanket of trees and various rocky coves or small streams woven into the earth. It's pure, natural beauty was breath taking. A true gem hidden from the rest of the archipelago.

"Well bud I think we have found our new home." The rider whispered leaning against the body of his dragon. The night fury gargled in agreement, resting his head on the moss covered rock. The young man felt so at peace among nature. He felt sights like this were a gift worth cherishing. so for the next hour that's exactly what he did.

Until a flash of blue and white coming from the centre of the island drew him from his thought. He watched as the blast shot into the sky and exploded, creating a snowflake that stretched to the edge of the island.

"Come on bud. Lets go check it out."

The two bounded of the edge of the sea stack, connecting mid jump. Toothless sped of towards the epicentre of the blast whilst Hiccup held on for dear life. On their way they met up with the other riders from Berk, joining their leader in his quest to find new life.

"What was that?" A young girl riding a beautiful blue and yellow Nadder asked. Her blonde hair whipped around in the breeze, only just staying in the loose braid.

"I don't know Astrid." Fishlegs answered, a hint of worry evident in his voice. Hiccup stayed silent, to full of curiosity to voice his opinions. This only gave the groups mutton-head fuel for taunts.

"Scared Haddock?"

"What? No!" Hiccup responded. If it wasn't for Toothless's warning growl Snotlout would have continued on until he received a punch to the nose.

A few short minutes later they had landed at the base of the mountain scanning for any signs of life. A muffled cry alerted the riders and they flew back up above the trees to get a better look. Hiccup's grip on his saddle tightened making his knuckles grow white. A second cry reverberated through the forest, holding so much agony it felt like a thousand daggers piercing his chest. Hiccup didn't wait for the other riders. He and toothless flew off at light speed, using the dragon's amazing senses to track down the victim.

Another flash of blue appeared, significantly weaker but enough to pin point their location. Toothless landed and Hiccup ran around frantically trying to find any sign of life.

"Hello?" Hiccup yelled.

"Help!" Came a strained reply from a small crack in the earth, large enough to fit a single body. Hiccup dropped to his knees, straining his eyes to see through the darkness. He could just about make out the trembling form of a boy not much older than himself.

"Toothless light." An electric blue light was cast into the crevice revealing a silver haired boy with snow white skin and icy blue eyes. His blue cloak was ripped, providing little to no warmth. The rest of his clothes were blood stained and dirty. 

"Please help me." The boy whispered holding out his hand but dropping it instantly.

"I'm going to get you out. Shield your eyes." The boy did as he was told and covered his face. Hiccup signalled for toothless to blast the very edge of the crevice, which opened it up further without causing it to collapse. Toothless lowered his tail into the hole and pulled out the boy. As soon as his body touched the grass he broke into sobs, curling into himself.

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