Welcome Home

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"If someone is facing a difficult time, one of the kindest things you can do for him or her is to say, 'I'm going to love you through this'."
- Molly Friedenfeld

Recovery wasn't easy but neither of them really expected it to be. Often times it seemed as though she'd take three steps forward and then two steps back. Although her doctors and nurses assured her that wasn't unusual for recovery she still felt discouraged by it. She just wanted to feel normal and healthy again. It had been so long since she had felt like she had life to live.

Shawn rarely left her side. The only times he wasn't at the hospital with her was when it was required for him to be somewhere else. The first time he heard her speak after getting the ventilator removed almost made him shed a tear. It was a simple 'hi' but it still melted his heart. He had missed her voice so much.

Some days flew by and some days seemed to drag on for what felt like forever but each day led them closer to the light at the end of the tunnel. After several weeks of recovery in the hospital, it was finally time for her to come back home and transition back into her normal life. There'd still be plenty of medication she'd have to take and machines she'd have to be hooked up to while she slept to monitor her breathing but it was one step closer to normal and that was enough for her.

Camila's parents spent her last day at the hospital with her while Shawn, Natalia and Sofi decorated the house with streamers, balloons, and a 'Welcome Home' banner. Shawn also picked up a bouquet of flowers and a dozen donuts for her. She had mentioned in the hospital that she had been craving them and he had promised to get her some when she got out, so he knew he had to follow through on that.

A: Leaving the hospital now. Be there in 15.

"They're on the way!" Shawn said excitedly as he read the text. Sofi and Natalia put a few finishing touches on the decorations while Shawn double checked the bathroom, kitchen and bedroom to make sure everything was neat and tidy and ready for Camila's return. The three of them waited anxiously by the door.

"They're pulling in!" Sofi exclaimed as she saw her parents' red Jeep pull into the driveway from the front window. They got into place and watched Alejandro help his daughter up the steps and to the front door.

"Welcome home!" the three of them shouted as she opened the door. She immediately smiled wider than any of them had seen in a really long time as her eyes welled up with tears.

"You did all this for me?"

"Well duh. You need a brain transplant too?" Natalia joked. Camila rolled her eyes at her best friend before walking up to Shawn and hugging him tightly.

"I'm so happy to be home," she mumbled against his chest before giving her little sister and best friend hugs as well. "You got me donuts too?"

"I told you I would!" Shawn laughed as he opened up the box. "Old-fashioned donuts. Your favorite."

"Oh my god," she moaned as she took a bite of the pastry. "This is so fucking good."

Shawn looked around the room and smiled. Everything seemed normal. At least as normal as it could be given the circumstances. Camila still moved slowly but she at least didn't have to use Round Betty anymore. Everyone had a smile on their face; something none of them had experienced in months.

Camila's family and Natalia stayed for a little under an hour before they all headed home, knowing Camila wanted some time to adjust back to life outside of the hospital. She obviously still had to take things easy and that combined with the fact that her many medications often made her feel drowsy meant that she still spent most of her time in bed. She laid in bed with the TV on but her eyes remained mostly on Shawn as he unpacked both of their things from their hospital bags. Once he was done, he crawled into bed with her and happily wrapped his arms around her as she cuddled against his side.

"How are you feeling, baby?" he asked as he brushed his fingers through her hair. She looked up at him and couldn't help but start crying. "Oh, I didn't mean to upset you..."

"You didn't," she assured him. "I just...truly never thought I'd get to this point. I didn't think I was gonna make it."

In all honesty, there were moments where Shawn didn't think she was going to make it either. The last few days before her surgery were spent wondering if that would be the day he would lose her forever. Even after the transplant there was still the very real possibility of her body rejecting the new lungs which would also result in losing her. A large part of him still couldn't believe that they really made it out the other side and that she was steadily on her way to a full recovery. He used his thumb to brush the tears off of her cheeks before leaning in and kissing her slowly and tenderly, pulling away from her before too long to assure that her breathing remained steady.

"We've got a lot more life to live together, my love..." he hummed as he kissed the top of her head.

"I can't wait."

"Your dad and I had a really good talk while you were in surgery..."

"Yeah?" she said curiously.


"And what exactly did you talk about?"

"You," he sighed. "Me. Our future together." He left it at that as he waited for Camila's reaction, but she just continued to eye him inquisitively. "He, uh...he gave me his blessing."

"Oh yeah?" Camila giggled. "And what exactly are you planning on doing with that?"

"I don't know," he said sarcastically. "Might make myself a t-shirt or some kind of badge of honor." Camila laughed and snuggled further into his chest. "Hypothetically..."

"Yes," she answered confidently, already knowing what he was going to ask. Shawn threw his head back in laughter at her eager response.

"Alright," he chuckled. "Good to know." They continued cuddling while watching TV for a while before Camila untangled herself from her boyfriend and slowly stood up from the bed. Shawn thought maybe she had to pee but instead she walked over and grabbed a candle that had been sitting on their dresser and lit the wooden wick. She set the candle back down on the dresser and watched it for a moment, enjoying the crackling sound the wood made as it burned before walking back over to the bed and reclaiming her spot in Shawn's arms.

"It's weird," she said quietly. "The things you miss when you're stuck in the hospital for so long. There was one day where I literally craved the ability to just...light a candle. It might sound weird, but it's true."

"It's not weird," he replied. "I'm glad you get to experience those simple little pleasures again."

"Speaking of little pleasures...would you mind washing my hair later? I technically can do it myself now...but I like it better when you do it," she said shyly. He chuckled and brushed his fingers through her hair.

"I'd love to. Welcome home, baby."

A/N: sorry I never update this story. I just don't really like it that much. lol.

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