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"Fall in love with someone who is both your safe place and your biggest adventure."

- Bianca Sparacino


Making the decision to leave their balcony door open a crack during the night meant waking up to the sound of ocean waves gently crashing upon the shore. Camila gently stirred awake, the rays of the morning sun beaming through the glass door and onto her face. She let out a content sigh as she took in the view of the sunrise over the water before slowly turning over to face Shawn, careful to not wake him with her movements as his hand arm was completely draped over her bare torso. Her eyes traced every strong yet delicate feature on his face before traveling down his neck, landing on the small bite mark on his shoulder—proof of her attempt to suppress her screams as they fell off the brink of ecstasy together last night. She blushed at the memory, her small hand coming up to gently brush over the mark with her thumb.

"Did it bruise?" Shawn sleepily mumbled with his eyes still closed. Camila quickly retreated her hand after realizing he was awake, her cheeks turning an even deeper shade of pink. He opened his eyes to look at her, smiling sweetly upon realizing how embarrassed she was.

"It's only a little pink..." she said sheepishly, tucking her face behind the white bed sheet. Shawn chuckled at her sudden timid-ness before climbing on top of her and peppering her face with sweet kisses—shockwaves flying through both of their bodies as they focused on the feeling of their bare skin pressed against one another.

"Don't be embarrassed..." he cooed into her ear. "Last night was...something else..." He continued to cover her face and neck in kisses as she giggled.

"So...what's on the agenda for today?" Camila asked as she brushed her fingers through his curls, which had only gotten curlier from being in contact with the salty ocean water. A wide, cheesy grin took over Shawn's face as he excitedly rolled off of Camila and began to tell her their plans for the day.

"Well, I was thinking we could just order room service for breakfast...maybe eat it on the balcony?" Camila nodded at his suggestion. "Then, we head out to a small local airport for our helicopter ride, which is taking us to a secluded nearby waterfall."

"Two list items crossed off in one day?" Camila exclaimed with wide eyes. "You spoil me."

Shawn called and ordered their breakfast while Camila took a shower and got ready for their excursions for the day. By the time she was done getting ready, the food had already been delivered and Shawn was setting it out on the little table on their balcony. Freshly squeezed orange juice for both of them, as well as a hot pot of coffee, a tropical fruit tray, avocado toast, and some scrambled eggs.

"Looks delicious!" Camila said as she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's torso from behind. He turned around to face her and pressed a quick kiss to her forehead.

"Yeah you do!" She playfully swatted his arm as he laughed at his own joke. After enjoying their breakfast, Shawn went back inside and began getting ready. As they were packing up the last of the things they would need for the day, he awkwardly pointed at the breathing device she had to wear on the plane.

"Do you...um, will you need to wear that?" he mumbled. She gave him a sweet smile and shook her head.

"No. Helicopters aren't pressurized and the altitude is low enough that I'll be fine." She could practically hear his relief when he realized she would be able to have this experience just like any other normal, healthy person would be able to. She thought it was endearing that he felt the need to ask about it, but she also knew he felt guilty for not thinking about that sooner. She walked up to him and placed her hands on each of his shoulders.

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