Secret Keeper

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"Anyone who tells you the fairytale isn't real just hasn't found it yet - or they settled for less - but that's their story, not yours. Let yourself believe in your fairytale."

- Butterflies Rising


- 1 Month Later -

"You have to tell me everything, girl." Camila sat in the small coffee shop sipping on her iced coffee as her best friend Natalia sat across from her, begging for more information about the new boyfriend Camila had just spilled the beans about.

"I don't know..." Camila said with a shrug. "I mean, he's really, almost too good to be true. I just...well, you know. I don't want to get too attached. Though I kind of have a bad feeling I'm already way past that point." The small brunette sighed in defeat.

"Listen girl, I understand that getting involved in a committed relationship scares you but this is something you've always dreamed about. You've always believed in the fairytale—don't let that change just because of other life circumstances. You still deserve that fairytale." Natalia reached across the table and gave a reassuring squeeze to her best friend's hand.

"I know, but..." The words got lost in Camila's throat as she nervously looked down at the table.

"You haven't told him yet...have you?" The blonde asked. Camila swallowed hard and brought her eyes back up to meet Natalia's, shaking her head.

"No. He doesn't know anything," Camila admitted. Natalia took a deep breath before attempting to speak some sense into her best friend.

"Look, you deserve this. You deserve love, you deserve him—and he deserves all of those things, too—but he also deserves to know the truth, Mila. You need to tell him."

Camila knew she was right. Even if she hated the idea of telling Shawn about her situation, it was necessary. Her feelings for him were far too strong to not be honest with him. And although she knew there was a high possibility that he would decide to just call it quits once he found out, she knew she couldn't keep it from him. Even if she tried, he would find out eventually—and it did seem better to get everything out on the table now before things get too serious.

"Well, he's coming over maybe I'll tell him then," Camila said uncertainly. The answer was not good enough for Natalia, though. She quickly began shaking her head.

"No, no, no! The more you put it off the harder it's going to be. You need to tell him tonight."

Camila took a deep, calming breath before agreeing with the blonde's notion.

"Okay. I'll tell him tonight."


She desperately tried to ignore the anxiety that was eating away at her throughout the day as she awaited her boyfriend's arrival, but it was no use. She was terrified. She had never felt this way about anyone before—she wanted nothing more than to jump all in with Shawn and love fully without apprehension, but at this point that felt nearly impossible. She was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard a knock on the door. She walked over to the front door and took a deep breath, attempting to calm herself before facing him. The second she opened the door and laid her eyes on him she suddenly felt completely at ease.

"Hi baby!" Shawn leaned down and placed a quick peck on her lips before stepping over the threshold and into her house. "I stopped and picked up some tacos for dinner, hopefully you hadn't made anything." Camila smiled and shook her head.

"Oh please, you know me well enough to know I didn't make dinner," she said with a chuckle before standing up on her tippy-toes and reconnecting their lips. "Sorry," she said as she pulled away from his lips. "...I just really missed kissing you." Shawn laughed at the fact that she felt the need to apologize for kissing him.

"I know this relationship is new, but just so you know—you never have to apologize for kissing me," Shawn said before reaching down and pecking her lips again. "Now come on, the foods going to get cold. We can keep smoochin' after dinner."

They sat on the floor of the living room enjoying their take-out tacos and some homemade margaritas as they watched Friends. Shawn had admitted on one of their first dates that he had never seen an episode of the iconic TV show, and since then Camila had made it her mission to make him love the show as much as she did.

"I feel like Chandler and I would be best friends," Shawn said confidently. Camila smiled and laughed.

"You guys are very similar...Chandler was always my favorite character. Maybe that's why I like you so much." She nudged him with her elbow as he took another bite of his taco, noticing how the sentiment made him blush. There were several moments throughout dinner where she considered starting the conversation she had been avoiding, but she held back. Not because she didn't want to tell him, but because she didn't want to ruin the moment. Everything was going so well as it was—bringing it up now would just put a damper on the whole night.

Not long after they had cleaned up from dinner, they were sprawled out on the couch, their mouths hungrily exploring each other. Camila couldn't help herself and neither could he. She could practically hear Natalia's voice in the back of her mind, nagging her about the fact that she needed to talk to him—but the feeling of Shawn's lips attaching to her neck quickly silenced the voice in her head. She wrapped her legs around his torso, and it didn't take long for him to pick up on the hint and carry her back to her bedroom.

They had been in this situation multiple times before. They worked extremely well together. For both of them the sex with previous partners had been satisfactory, but nothing more than that. With each other, though, they felt complete—like two missing pieces that had finally found each other, and when they finally joined together as one sparks flew. Each time after that had been just as good, if not better, as they began to memorize the things that drove the other person crazy. Shawn was definitely a quick learner. The way he would touch, caress & taste her had her questioning if he knew her body better than she did despite only having been with him for a short period of time. Tonight had been no exception. They gripped tightly onto each other as they both reached their highs, losing themselves in a frenzy of heated gasps and satisfied moans. The sweat that coated their skin glued them together as they breathlessly panted, attempting to collect themselves.

Even in the afterglow, they found themselves constantly kissing and caressing each other. Close was never close enough. Eventually they had both recovered, Shawn drifting blissfully off to sleep. Just before Camila fell off the brink of sleep, she heard her phone vibrate against her nightstand. She picked it up and squinted at the bright screen. It was a text from Natalia.

- How did it go? Did you tell him?

Camila sighed and set her phone back down without responding. She figured she'd deal with the wrath of her blonde bestie in the morning. Right now, she just wanted to drift off to sleep in the arms of her lover.

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