Seeing Stars

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"What is done with love is done well."

- Vincent Van Gogh


"I'm so sorry baby, I had no idea..."

"It's okay." Camila smiled sadly as they walked hand in hand back to their hotel. "Honestly, it's something I should've thought about. I just...didn't." They had plans to go bungee jumping so that Camila could scratch that off of her list, but while filling out the waivers she learned that because of her health condition she wouldn't be able to do it.

"I guess this means I won't be able to go skydiving either. Which makes sense...I mean I can't even ride on a plane without being hooked up to a machine to help my breathing...I don't know why I thought I'd be able to jump out of one."

"I'm sorry," he reiterated, this time as a quiet whisper.

"It's not your fault, really." She squeezed his hand reassuringly. "Please don't feel guilty."

"So...what would you like to do today?" Shawn asked as they walked back into their hotel room. Camila sighed and put her phone on the charger.

"I could really go for a bath right now..." She slipped off her shoes began walking towards the bathroom. "I'd like some company, if you don't mind." He followed her in and watched as she peeled off her clothing piece by piece before running the water in the tub. She added some of her body wash for bubbles before sinking into the hot water and watching as he also undressed and got in. Once he was in, she turned and laid so her back was pressed against his chest. Neither of them spoke, but instead communicated with soft kisses and gentle touches. His lips peppering her neck and shoulders with soft pecks as his fingertips traced up and down her arms.

"I love you so much..." he whispered into her ear. Her eyes were closed as she rested her head back against him.

"I love you too," she hummed quietly. He delicately brushed his thumb over her features, noticing the pink hue her on her skin from the sun, as well as the barely-there freckles that he hadn't been able to see until the sun brought them out. Her breathing got slower and more steady and soon enough he realized that she had fallen asleep in his arms. He continued to lay in the bath with her body pressed against him as she slept. He wasn't naive to the fact that he needed to take full advantage of these little moments he had with her. As much as he hated to admit it, there would come a day when he wouldn't be able to hold her anymore—so he always took full advantage of any opportunity he got to memorize the feeling of her laying in his arms.

She slept for about 45 minutes, only waking up when the water temperature got too cold for her comfort. The bubbles had dissipated at this point, giving him the perfect view of her naked body—including her nipples which had become hard peaks due to the cold water. He swallowed hard at the sight before looking away as to not "awaken" any of his own body parts.

After waking up, he carefully helped her out of the tub and they both dried off and got ready for dinner. Camila wore a simple white sundress and Shawn wore a short sleeve button up shirt and some khaki shorts. The restaurant they were going to was right on the beach, so they decided to also bring a couple blankets so they could watch the sunset on the beach together after they ate.

"Did you enjoy your nap this afternoon?" Shawn asked with a smirk as he held her hand across the table. She blushed and nodded shyly.

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