Writing Comp!

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Im in a discord server and like entered into a writing competition and now im doin it last min mefwa style B)



Tommy's POV

"Hey Tubs." I said taking off my armor, i was ready incase someone else planned to attack me. After everything I just need a chat with my buddy. I handed him a cup of hot chocolate that i made for him.

"Hey Tommy!" He said taking his off als while grabbing the cup. "Nice house you got here!" He said sitting down beside me on my couch. 

"Thanks bud," I mindlessly replied while staring into the fire, a thing i was way to familiar with, wether it be from tnt or me messing around. It's been my friend and enemy. 

"What's wrong, other than the chaos that has been happening I can tell somethings up." He said placing his hand on my shoulder showing concern. He was always like this, no matter the scenario he always cared for his friends. It was calming.

"All of this is partially my fault Tubbo! If I hadn't burned George's house, if I wasn't greedy, If I-"

"Tommy please! It's not your fault! It's Dream's! He is power hungry and will do anything to stay on top, it's always been us to stop him. Just because L'Manburg is gone doesn't mean that we give up hope! So stop always stressing! This is chill time!" He said crossing his arms, I can't argue with that logic.

"You're right. I need to stop! But how have you been handling so well?" I asked, Tubbo had always been a big part of L'manburg yet it almost seems like didn't care. 

"Well I do, it still hurts, but seeing you like this hurts more, i'd rather make sure your ok now instead of crying." His words melted my heart, I gave him a big hug as he returned it.

"Well then, what are we gonna do?" I asked with a smile now on my face, it's amazing how he does it.

"Lets just remember the fun times? To bring up our spirits? To boost our morals!" He said exited. Followed by him sipping his cup of Cocoa.

"That sounds great." I said while sipping mine, the fire cackling in the late night while having a cup of Hot Cocoa with my bud laughing about the good times? Thats what I call a perfect night.


Sorry it's so short! I thought something nice and sweet would be great for the prompt I got! Anyways have a great day my lovelies!


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