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I know a lot of you read these one-shots


but, I do have a newly finished book out! It's called Photograph, it Ranboo angst, it has a good and bad ending, its beta read (unlike these), and is just very poggers.

I also have other books too (if you'd like to read those):
- Cloverfield Paradox
- I Don't Understand?
- and like 3 more projects I'm working on as we speak.

I really like writing. So, if none of those tickle your fancy like these did, I'm always dropping new stuff! Why not drop me a follow? It's free, and you can always unfollow later!

(ALSO! For those of you moving to ao3, every time I finish a book I post it on there also! My user there is also MefwaChaos!)

I also have one-shot coming soon also! 2022 is gonna be packed with content from me in hopes it will make this year better than the last two! 

So, keep your eyes open, maybe follow me? Or check out some of my other books? Thank you!


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