A Sinners Paradise

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This is gonna have a part 2 get rekt-

im also listening to ajr rn go check them out B)


also sap and a6d aren't dating, it may seem like they are but there just childhood friends and always supported eachother.


Sapnap's POV

"And the Oscar for Movie of the Year goes to..." The announces said as she opened the manilla letter. My heart is beating out of my chest. I made this movie to just get my point out there and to have fun and now i'm here for Movie of the Year! I'd never imagined myself here... actualy thats a lie i've always wanted to be a director.

"Sapnap! And his movie 'A Hell of a Ride!'" She exclaimed as the camera zoomed in on me, I was frozen in shock until a6d gave me a giant hug and said "Go up there! This was always your dream after all!" He was so excited for me I started to cry. I got up and walked towards the stage while the audience and other amazing movie creators clapped.

She handed me the award while stepping out of the way so I can deliver my speech. "I would just to first say that you to a6d, he was always there for me when times got rough and forever supported me sense we were children-" Just then I stoppe talking for I couldn't say a word. Pain and shock filled my body as I slightly opened my mouth as blood fell out. The audience couldn't see most of my body because of the podium blocked it, so when they saw the blood all they could do was gasp while a6d let out a yelp.

He ran up to the stage to busy to look at his surroundings or anything that could have caused this, he clung onto me as I fell to my knees because they gave out. Revealing a man standing 20 feet behind me with a gun held up. A6d didn't even take time to look because he was screaming for help. When 911 said they were on there way he finally looked to see who it was. 

"... T -techno?" he stuttered, barely being able to believe his eyes. "W- why?" he asked in his thick french accent as he looked back at me in pain. "You fools..." he mumbled, "Dare I say nerds." He said with a giggle. "Leaving me in the dust while you go on to fufill your lives? 'Yeah! Lets make a film about friendship while we FORGET ABOUT THE 3RD TO OUR TRIO!'" Techno yelled in anger while he stomped his foot. He slowly walked towards me and grabbed the microphone on the floor. He kicked a6d onto his back and pushed hin off to the side. "Remember Bad and Skeppy?" He asked a6d with the gun pointed at him as tears built up at the memory of them for a6d. "I'm the one who poisioned Skeppy's drink, IM the one who blugened Bad's head with a rock!" He yelled. A6d now was silent as flashbacks came to me and him of how we found there bodies. "And you!" Techno yelled at me as he pointed the gun to me. "Remember George and Dream?" He yelled, I still miss them... "IM the one who drowned George in the Swimming pool! IM the one who spread Dream's body parts all around the school!" he yelled while laughing like a maniac, he  is playing his role. "How do you think I won king of prom!?" He yelled with a laugh, "There was 5 reasons why that crown wasnt as good as mine..." He stated as he pulled out the prom crown I won in high school from his kings robe. "And so I'm Illimanating the final one!" He laughed as he put on the crown.

"Any last words... Snapmap?" He asked with an evil grin while hold the microphone near me with the gun to my head. "Yeah actually, the character Charlie in the movie?" I mumbled as he looked confused. "He represents you, and how you abussed me throughout highschool, Karma's final words to him? That's what I always wanted to say, and now it's public, for the whole world to hear." I said with a victorious grin as I saw the rage build in his eyes, just then a felt a mass amout of pain in my head and then all the pain in general went away. I opened my eyes to see my dead body below me, Techno laughing in pride and a6d crying. I always imagined I'd win an Oscar... But not like this.

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