Game Over... or is it?

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Please enjoy death (:


Dream's POV

"Sapnap! Gworge! Look!" I point over to our favorite arcade machine.

"Cave Game!" Sapnap yelled as we ran towards it.

It was a normal sunday, me and my buddies were hanging out at the arcade beating other kids records and making them angry. Ya know, being the amazing kids we were. When we saw a truck labled "Arcade Warriors", they then proceeded to bring out a machine called "Cave Game" and brought it into our arcade. Me, Sapnap, and George hear about the game because its on the rave. I can't wait to try it out with them! 

We walk over to where its getting plugged in, there is a massive group of people around it also but were just barely able it to see it. I hear it turn on and people start to gasp and awe. We wait all day in line to play it, when we finally got to the front to play we saw that no one had beaten the game yet. It must be really hard...

The game seems to be a survival of the fittest but it pushes you to move forward. A black abyss follows you and moves at a constant rate making you move forward. The game takes about 5 mins to get to the final stage and is pretty cool.

"My turn!" Sapnap states excitedly as he puts a quarter into the machine. The game starts and he goes on. Till eventually he's at the final stage. A crowed has started to build around him as he fights the final boss. It gets bigger and bigger until gasps can be heard all around. "You have defeated the Ender Dragon! Please enter your name for the scoreboard." A robotic female voice spoke. "I DID IT!" Sapnap yelled in joy jumping up and down. "I BEAT THE ENDER DRAGON!" He continued to yell. At this point everyone in the arcade is surrounding him. As he entered his name into the machine a scoreboard lit up.

1. Sapnap, The Dragon Slayer... 

I instantly sat up in a heavy sweat, as I looked around I saw the alarm clock on my nightstand. It read 9/30/2020 2:11am, tears started to fall down my face as I curled up into a ball. I sat there crying for a few minutes until I heard a knock at the door. "Dream are you ok?" A soft voice spoke, a voice I could recognize anywhere. "Can I come in?" He asked. I softly said "The door is unlocked." then after watching the door open to see a worried George. He came over and sat on the bed with me, hugging me.

"You had a dream about him, huh?" He whispered. Trying to calm me down. "Y-yeah, how he got first place in Minecraft..." I mumbled...

Its been 2 weeks sense Sapnap died. A horrible plane crash with no survivors, he must have been so scared. He just wanted to come see us on vacation but it ended in disaster. And today is his funeral.

"The Dragon Slayer..." George mumbled as he held onto me. "He was so happy, no wonder he wanted it on his gravestone all these years..." I replied as i sniffled.

"I also had a dream..." George mumbled, "When we first met in real life..." he began to cry also. We just sat there cuddling into each other till we eventually fell asleep. It was all we had to comfort each other.

George's POV

I woke up cuddling into dream and started to remember what happened last night. I feel bad for him, he's been having it the worst with the constant reminders in his social media, his family wanting to know what happened, friends trying to comfort him but they just keep bringing it up. He never gets a break.

I got out if the bed and woke Dream up, I don't want us to be late after all. "Hey Dreamy, you need to wake up." I say as I poke at his face. I see his eyes flutter open as he slowly gets things to click in his brain. 

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