That Beautiful Voice (pt. 2)

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Part 2 to "A Sinners Paradise"

Btw im writing this in a genderbend technoblade cosplay please just remember that while reading this

Hope you enjoy!


Dream's POV

I walked out of the gates of my great paradise to be beheld once again by the stairs that lay apon our firey horizon. As I start to walk up I can hear the voice a little better.

"Helpless~ Look into your eyes and the skies the limit!"

Whoever was singing clearly changed their song, and their voice is just amazing. When I reached the top of the stairway I was brought upon an island, apparently the staircase brings you to wherever you were heading. Nice!

I wandered around the island for maybe 20 minutes following the voice as it got louder and louder. Eventually I was lead into this cave area that had a pond in the middle, the water seemed to glow and light up the area with the vibes among the walls and rocks seemed to lay just right. There was also a bunch of random items lying around. Gold, silver, toy figures, just some really odd things. Thats when my eyes strayed on the most interesting thing in the pool. 

"Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty..."

A man- er, merman lies against a large rock, his arms crossed as his head leans on top and he had sad look on his face.

"You gave me your sweater..."

I just couldn't take it anymore.

"It's just polyester" i sing back at him. He instantly screams in a high pitched voice, jumps taken aback and falls under the water. He instantly comes back up. "Why can't I just be sad in peace for once?!" He yelled as he swam closer to the shore beside me.

"You seem familiar, do I know you? Oh god you must have come because of my voice huh?" He said staring at me. I was shocked at the fact if how he just instantly knew what happened. I sat there stunned and confused. 

"Yeah this happens a lot," he grabbed some clout goggles and sat them atop his head and then it clicked. Tears started to fall down my face as he fell confused. "I'm hoping your a mythical creature or i have to kill you, you do know that right?" The merman asked, "I'm a siren, thats why you could hear me, my voice can attract anyone in a close enough distance." 

I just kept crying I couldn't believe it was him. I heard his words and to make sure he didn't kill me I spread out my wings and jumped back a little at the fact if how large they were. "Ok so I don't have to kill you nice..." he said a little scared.

I could barely choke through the sobs "is- is your name George?" He was even more shocked now. "How do you know my name?!" 

"George it's me..." I mumbled as I held my arms out. He was still confused but he had an idea. "N- no" he said swimming back with a tear falling down his face.

"D- dream?" He cried as a nodded and he swam right up to the shore of the pond and ran over and we gave each other a long awaited hug. It felt so nice to hug him again.

"B-but your the devil! How did you even hear me?" He asked. "I- I dont know but you have to cone back!" I said in excitement as he looked worried. "Dream I can only swim! How would I even go!" He replied crying.

"I mean if you want to make a deal with the devil," I waved my hand around with and a contracted appeared. I also got the magic pen to make sure the signature was real. I handed them to him as he instantly grabbed it. He read through and signed with the pen as it spiraled up and poofed away again. Suddenly a blue fog spiraled around him as he got his legs back and grew horns and a tail. I helped him up as he almost fell over.

"Oh god I haven't had legs in so long this feels weird." He said clinging onto my side. I just laughed. "I never thought someone would say that, especially you!" I laughed as he hit me in the arm. "You idiot!" He laughed as I helped him walk out of the cave.

"So how do we get back down?" George asked, "Like this" I smiled as I snapped my fingers while a slide appeared. 

"You really are immature aren't you?" He giggled. "Shut up its better than walking down a set of 200 stairs huh?" I replied as he looked at the slide. "I guess your right-" George laughed going down the slide. Me following after him.

We arrived back at the gates and he instantly walked through. "Feels good to be home! He laughed putting his arms in the air. "C'mon Bad, Skeppy, and some special are waiting for us!" I grabbed his hand and ran dragging him along.

"Dream slow down!" George laughed as I stopped in front of Club Geoz where Sap is. "You ready?" I said as George looked confused. Nonetheless we walking to see someone oh so familiar singing karaoke of Sketchers.

"I LIKE YOUR SKETCHERS! YOU LIKE ME MY GUCCI SHOES!" Sap drunkenly sang on stage as everyone cheered at him. George just stood there laughing his head off. "I would expect nothing less from Sapnap honestly." George laughed as we danced to his singing. Somehow, probably being drunken he didn't notice us in the crowd until he finished the song.

Then I grabbed him by the wrist and lead him to George. "Oh Dream your back!" He stumbled around. "Yeah and I brought someone with me now cmon!" I dragged him outside the club while George waited outside. He didn't really like partying that much but he couldn't help but dance to Sap singing.

"GEO*hic*RGE?" Sap yelled as George laughed and hugged his buddy. "C'mon we have to tell Bad and Skep!" I yelled as we rushed to the Palace, this tome AVOIDING the cattle fields. When we arrived at the castle instead we knocked so we wouldn't have to walk in on something like I did. Luckily they answered.

"Oh hey Dream..." Bad nervous laughed. Dream just laughed, "Bad i'm not mad from earlier don't worry!" "Oh thank goodne-" Bad stopped as he realized there was someone behind Dream. 

"And who might this be?" Bad asked walking behind Dream to reveal George gighling. "OH MY GOODNESS GEORGE?!" Bad yelled squeezing George into a huge hug. Me and Sap joined in, once again the four muffinteers  were reunited...

"What happened to Skeppy?" I asked as Bad nervously laughed again. "He passed out in my room, he was so scared when you walked in that he might have fainted or hit his head when we fell to the ground? I don't know, I just looked on top if me to see a sleepy Skeppy." He relplied. "Oh sorry for ruining your make-out session." I said as Bad went all red.

Yup, once again reunited.


1191 words, sorry if it was to short!

Also hope you liked it!

Toodles my lovelys!


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