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Lmfao i drafted this in like 30 mins and now editing it. ✨C o l l e g e A U✨



The sunrise was gorgeous, it aligned just right with the clouds and the temperature was perfect. Wilbur woke up with the sunlight falling on his face as he slowly got up. Grogily he looked over at his desk grabbed his glasses and started to have a weird feeling in his gut. He took a glance at his alarm clock and he instantly knew why.

"I SLEPT IN!" He yelled as he jumped out of his bed and got dressed. He made sure everything was in his backpack as he booked it to the door. But as he entered the kitchen of his dorm he grabbed a monster drink and a note by the coffee maker.

"Hey! I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't budge. Anyways i made you coffee sense you will be running late. See ya in class nerd. -Techno"

"Well you didn't try hard enough then..." Wilbur mumbled under his breath as he grabbed the cup off coffee. Then he ran out of the door and booked it to class, he busted through the door right in the nick of time.

"Mr. Soot, take a seat sir. This is the third time this semester you have been late." Mr. Phil spoke as he looked towards the door. "I'm sorry sir." was all Wilbur could respond as he sat down in his assigned seat.

"As you know it is exam week!" Phil explained as everyone in the room groaned. Please take out your computers and start!" He said as he sat down.

"Ugh im so gonna die today." Wilbur said as he opened up his coffee and poured the monster in it.

"Um, are you ok..?" A voice spoke behind him spoke. He looked behind him to reveal a dude in a suit behind him, he had almost ram like horns on the sides of his head and goat ears.

"Who are you?" Wilbur responded while sipping the energy filled drink.

"My names Jschlatt-" "Dumb name" Wilbur cut him off and turned back around to do his exam.

"Hey! I think my name is nice, anyways what if i told you that you can pass the exam without having to try?" Jschlatt told him with a smug smile on his face. "Hmm?" Wilbur turned his head back around to Jschlatt confused.

Jschlatt looked up at Mr. Phil who had started to drift off to sleep.. "Just as i planned, here!" Jschlatt handed Wilbur a piece of paper with the answer key on it.

"I-, thats cheating!" Wilbur replied as he looked at the paper. "Oh cmon! Watch this." Jschlatt told him as he stood up.

"Hey everybody!" He said a bit loud, not enough to wake Phil up though. "How many if you aren't prepared for this exam?" He asked, everyone raised their hand.

"Hmm, let me tell you a little secret. I wired every security camera in this room off AND Phil is gonna be asleep for the next 2 hours!" He announced as everyones eyes started to glow. They knew exactly what he was doing.

He got up and took a stack of papers out of his backpack and started handing them out.

The energy from the combined drinks was starting to kick and Wilbur had an idea. He took out his phone and started secretly recording Jschlatt.

"I mean why not! You won't get caught!" He said as he continued to pass out the papers. "These papers have the answer key to the entire exam! Go ahead and use them!" He said as he finished passing out the papers. Wilbur looked over at Techno who also refused the paper. "Thank god..." he mumbled under his breath because he got Techno turning down the paper in camera.

He looked around the room and everyone else was using them. "Oh god we are gonna be in so much trouble..." Wilbur said to himself as he started stressing.

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