Behind The Mask

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This was for a writer artist collab contest, the image above was the art made by my artist, Raeven! Her discord is: Raeven_#2463 and all credit for the art goes to them!

Our prompt words were: Ukulele, streetlight, bench

Hope you enjoy the fluff!


Ranboo sat in his room, 2 months of the meet up had flown by and Ranboo had been having the time of his life. But he felt bad for his fans, as much as they loved it he hadn't been streaming as often as he normally does so they were also getting less content.

A thought came to his head, he instantly shook it off though. "No way in hell am I going to show them my face" he thought to himself. Then he continued scrolling through his phone, looking at the fan art and tweets smiling to himself and liking the art his fans put so much work into.

When suddenly a tweet came up that shook him, 

"Ranboo's last stream was before Dream's most recent one. It feels so weird but i'm glad he's having fun with his friends! :D"

He knew they meant in a nice way but it felt like a call out, the tweets continued to get to him. The expectancy of content and disappointment the words delivered rung in his head. Until he set down his phone and went to stand up.

Do I really want to do this?

He started to walk towards his door to tell Tommy and Tubbo his decision.

Is this actually the best option?

Hesitating at the doorknob, he froze rethinking it all. Thought rushing to try and get him to stop, but it didn't work.

He turned the door and opened it to the living room, there he saw Tommy and Tubbo chilling in the couch laughing at their phones, probably also scrolling. 

"Guys..?" Ranboo hesitantly asked, Tubbo looked up hearing him and smacked Tommy to get his attention. 

"What the fuck was that fo- oh." Tommy remarked finally realizing Ranboo had entered the room. Now all the attention was on him.

"I uh, I think I want to do a face reveal.." Ranboo said fiddling with his fingers, Tommy was frozen, Tubbo slowly got up and walked over.

"Look bossman, I trust your choice, but who's making you do this." Tubbo said reaching up to put his hands on Ranboo's shoulder.

"No one, I just think the fans deserve to know." Ranboo responds. Tommy finally started functioning again.

"What the fuck?! I mean I just didn't think you'd want to so soon. But how? I mean like a meet up? Tweet-" Tommy responded getting up, things just firing out of his mouth in shock.

"Tommy, your rambling." Tubbo said glaring at him.

"A meet up would be a good idea!" Ranboo said trying to lighten up the mood. "Want us to come with you?" Tubbo said with a smile.

"Yknow, as damage contro-" Tommy got cut off with a slap from Tubbo.

"Actually I'll go on my own, it would be better so they don't feel like their being watched? I don't know they would like it better I guess." Ranboo responded thinking out loud.

"Ok but we'll be nearby Incase there's a crazy person or something goes wrong." Tubbo smiled taking his hands off Ranboo's shoulders and grabbing his phone. 

"I'll tweet it, they can meet you at (random location nearby), is that ok?" Tubbo asked as Ranboo nodded. 

"Good luck buddy." Tommy smiled as Ranboo grabbed his mask and glasses.

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