Soulmate Statue

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George's POV

I live in the city with the most well know attraction on earth, the soulmate statue. 

its rumored that they were frozen 100 years ago, and would be turned back until there soulmate touched there hand. Obviously it makes a perfect instagram pic, thats why it so popular.

Personally I never believed in it. Like thats stupid who would do that! Plus Imagine the germs of the hundreds of thousands of people that have touched his hand! Disgusting!

I've tried to talk some sense into my friends that want to visit but they just wouldnt listen...

"C'mon Georgie it will be fun! Plus it may be one of us!" Bad exclaimed.

"Yeah! Are you scared? Dont want to be in a reation ship? OR maybe hes just a chicken!" Sapnap claimed.

"Braaawk Braaawk bok bok" Antfrost mocked and Sapnap joined in.

"You muffins! Stop mocking him! He just doesnt want to so respect his decision!" Bad yelled at them.

"Its Fine I just don't believe the story." I state.

"Ok, now thats crazy." Bad says.

"I thought you were defending me Bad!" I yell as they all laugh at me.

"Fine! We will go just I wont try-" Im imidiatly cut of by them all screaming "YAY!"

{Time skip brought to you by my internal suffering}

-Text conversation-

George: Where are you guys? 

Bad: Were all grouped up at waiting area C.

George: kk omw!

-text convo end-

"BAD, SAPNAP, ANTFROST!" I yell, exitement filling my voice.

"GOGY!" They yell in unison while running at me.

"Its so good to see you guys! I can't wait to show you around, take you to my fav spots-" im instantly cut off by sapnap yelling "AND SEEING THE SOULMATE STATUE!" just like before.

"Fine, we will head there later like I promised, but lets settle in back at my place first. They all nodded there head in unision again, im starting to be a little scared of how they pull this off. Nontheless we all get in my car and drive over too my house.

"Look! Is that it?!?!" Sapnap yells pointing to a statue that had a large group of people surrounding it.

"Yeah, overrated if im being honest." I say just then my car is filled with gasps and I can feel the dirty looks being given too me.

"Im just saying! Were still going to go if you all REALLY want to-"i get cut off again, "I do!" Antfrost says in delight with Bad and Sapnap agreeing.

"Ugh fine... but not for to long kk?" I ask with replies consisting "Yus" "yeah whatever" and "Yessir"

We head back to my place and start to unpack, with me helping them of course. Sapnap and Antfrost are arguing who gets the top bunk and me and bad are chilling playing Mario Galaxy on my Switch. In a moment time sapnap runs to my game section and grabs a Switch cartrige. 

"If you don't let me have top bunk i will lick this game cartrige!" Sapnap stated in triumph.

"Sure, lick it I dont mind." Antfrost said, almost like he didn't care for Sapnap, but yopu could tell by the look in his eyes he did.

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