Lemme adress this

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ok if you reading this hiya, i've got some explaining to do

If you did catch my oneshot "Your Majesty" I would like to say i'm very sorry. For you guys that didn't it was a tubboinnit oneshot. 

Basically love stuff yeah, I don't know how to put it to words but i'll try my best, I was in like a shipping phase. I shipped what I thought was cute and didn't take irl factors into part. I know understand that they are uncomfortable with the shipping and more importantly ARE MINORS

I have gotten rid of the oneshot and understand that I was in the wrong, now I only view them as like a brother duo, partners in crime if you will (IDK IF THATS A ROMANTIC TERM IF IT IS IM SORRY)

They are what I call "Platonic Soulmates" The have a special bond that is ONLY PLATONIC  (Friendship) and nothing else. I use that term quite a bit so I just wanted to say that.

I am in the wrong and i'm willing to admit it, I'm going to leave this chapter up for a week so that people can take time to see  it but delete it later because idk if you guys have notice but this book has almost 1,000 READS-

I am very sorry


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