That Little Cafe on the Corner

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BRO I WAS GROUNDED AND I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS JUST YOU WAIT! (yes that was a hamilton refrence)


George's POV

"Yo Bad, Sap!I have an idea! I've been heading to this one cafe on the corner of Broadway Drive and Musical Lane! I think you guys would like it!" I exclaim to my best friends as we try to find a nice place to chill for today. "Sounds nice, I'm in!" Sap replied. "Yeah! I could go for some coffee right now actually!" Bad chimed in. "Guess that settles it, were heading to the cafe! I'll drive!" I affirmed as I grabbed my keys.

Once we parked I had to warn them about something before we headed in. "So uh, before we go in I have to tell you guys something..." I began, "there is this guy that works here-"im instantly cut off by Sapnap though "Oh my god your totally into him aren't you?!" Sapnap almost yelled at me as he gave a mischievous grin. "Yes, ok? Im a regular here so he knows me and a little about you guys because we talk on his break. He also has another friend that has the same shift as him thats more... Extra? I can't put his expression into words, but please don't mess this up for me ok?" I asked a little nervous, Bad gave me a thumbs up and Sap gave me the ok symbol (👌) but I could tell he was going to do something stupid.

Sapnap's POV

Oh god this is gonna be great! Im gonna embarrass him, then help him get with the server, god its a great time to be-

As the door chimed with us opening it we look around to see a calmly colored pastel cafe, what George didn't tell us was that it was a roller skate maid cafe.

Me and Bad are in total shock as a guy with a smiley fave mask rolls up to George pointing finger guns. "Yo George! Are the guys Sapnap and Bad?" He asked, i'm still in shock that he didn't tell us this.

I looked at the little name tag on his outfit and it read "Dream". Well Dream was wearing obviously a maid outfit but it was a lime green with white diagonal stripes. The skirt poofed out to where it had a spherical frame, he had long white socks that stopped just below the knee and his roller-skates were also lime.

"Yeah! Bad, Sapnap, meet Dream! Dream, this is Sapnap and Bad!" George introduced us to Dream, I shook his hand bit I could obviously tell Bad's eyes were on his partner behind the counter. Dream lead us to our booth and after he said he would be back ad he left to go talk to his friend that was on the shift with him.

"Oh my god why didn't you tell us it was a maid cafe?!" Instantly question George while Bad joins in "I don't see why its so bad, I mean a cafe is a cafe nonetheless.". "Im sorry ok? I didn't know either when I first came but then I made friends with Dream and it became normal! I forgot to tell you is it all that bad?" George replied as he handed me and bad a menu. 

Bad's POV

I pitch into the conversation but i'm busy admiring Dream's friend. He looks pretty fine if I do say so myself, when just beside me I hear George say something. "Well, sense you seem so invested in him his name is Skeppy! I don't know him as well as Dream, but maybe you too could get closer~" then George winked at me and my face flushed red. "Sense Bad is so head over heels for Skeppy why doesn't he take our order?" Sapnap said as he pushed me out of the booth towards Skeppy. "That's not how you order but im all for it!" George said incouraging Sapnap's wild acts. But instead of walking over normally, the push that Sapnap gave me made me stumble around and then fell flat on my face.

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