sais-tu qui tu es

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Today is the day.

It's the day where I leave the nest, and soar into my dream.

The car ride to the airport was grim. The silence took over any nerves, which was good in some ways, and awful in the others. My trembling hands only sugarcoated how nervous I was, and when Willa tried to help by hugging me and kissing my forehead it made me long to stay here even more.

But now, I'm standing in the oddly chilly autumn air, holding my phone and passport in one hand, and resting the other on my violet suitcase. My backpack is tied on top, matching perfectly with the suitcase due to the stickers that cover every inch of space. I put a new sticker on last night.

It's one that I got at the shopping centre yesterday when my sisters weren't looking. It's a small family tree emblem. The leaves have rose diamantes on them, despite the ever present fact that they will have probably fallen off by the duration of the flight.

My mum has her hair thrown up in an untidy bun. It's strange seeing her like this. No jewelry, sweatpant-clad, and tears brimming at the edge of the river that is her eyes. I don't like seeing her cry.

I've only seen the rare sight once, and that was when my grandad died last year.

"Mum... don't cry.. Please..." I whisper into the breeze.

She sighs, and pulls me into her warm embrace. I rest in her arms. The back of my mind keeps itching to push the fearful thought to the front, that this could be the last time I hug her this closely for a while.

Mum releases me from her loving grasp, and rests a gentle hand on my cheek. It feels so homely.

"You'll be alright, Nixie. My little girl, all grown up..." She smiles softly, a tear slowly falling down her flushed cheeks.

My lips tremble as I try to smile back as best as I can. It doesn't work very well. Mum wipes away a tear that tries to escape with her delicate fingertips, and brings me into her arms again. Her hands run down my back, twisting strands of hair in between her nails.

"You'll be okay darling. I promise." She murmurs.

"Please don't promise anything, Mum. You never know what will happen..." I choke, water flowing freely down my face now, not stopping at my neck like they should.

"Now that's no way to think. How do you know that you won't have the best time of your life?" Mum says.

She breaks our embrace, and holds my shoulders firmly.

"You'll be fine. Just trust your instincts, and if they deceive you, trust your heart." She points at the glowing spot in my chest.

Mum waves my siblings over from their circle, and we all wrap our arms around one another. I feel like I could bathe in this moment forever. If i could take a snapshot of what my family is, this would be the picture. Moments like these make the blue days seem more yellow.

More golden.

Penelope wriggles in closer to me, and leans over my shoulder.

"Break the fine line, Nixie." She speaks calmly but powerfully, stronger than the growing wind.

The hold my siblings clutch on me ceases, and we take a step back to look at each other. I scan my eyes over their beautiful faces one more time, trying to memorise this picture.

Mum, with her tousled hair and green tracksuit bottoms. French tip nails, and a slight smudge of mascara on her striking eyelashes, framing her sugar irises. My definition of beauty.

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