A car honks angrily at us as Harry swerves to avoid something on the road. I inhale deeply, gripping tighter onto the chair as Harry mutters a curse word at the other driver. Why I let him drive, again, I will never know.
I just hope I make it out of this car to figure it out.
The car moves violently for the second time, the tires running up the sides of the pavement for a split second of terror. I shift my attention to the night sky, admiring it's pure beauty in what could very possibly be my last moments of life.
It's a breathtaking sky here in Auckland. To be fair, the whole city is just as gorgeous as it looks in pictures, blue skies and all. The skyscrapers trace the clouds with their height, and the sunset reflects off the glass onto the waterfront, creating a canvas of purple and orange.
"So, where are we going?" I ask, trying to distract myself from Harry's driving.
I can see why he got arrested, put it that way.
"We're going to a beautiful waterfront restaurant that I picked out. It has pasta."
"You always did have a way with words." I smirk.
"Ha ha ha. I do, actually Nix." He states, pulling up hurriedly outside a large building.
It's rather tall, and is covered in ceiling high glass windows that showcase the fancy appearance of the interior. I can see the long dresses people are wearing, and the ironed suits and ties.
Then, I look at what Harry and I decided to wear. Harry is adorned in a pink and red floral design, the top buttons of the linen shirt refusing to be done up like they should. His shorts are pretty tidy all things considered, and the clean white colour fits well with his dress sneakers.
I think my outfit is acceptable. I mean, I'm going in whether it is or not, I'm hungry.
For once I'm not wearing flared trousers, but am instead in a pretty, floaty dress. It has a dainty daisy print covering the fabric, and it sits off of my shoulders, letting the light sunburn I got in Sydney breathe. A gold camera charm sits at the end of my necklace, matching to the silver I have on my bracelet.
"Shall we, m'lady?" Harry grins, holding out a hand for me to hold.
I smile up at him from my seat in the car. His hair isn't styled for once, yet still looks so wonderful. The chestnut mass of curls bounce freely, flopping over the side of his eyebrows when he runs his hand through them.
"We shall!" I accept his hand, and start pulling us towards the door.
It's definitely a fancy restaurant. The blasting air-con hits us like an arctic wind, instantly bringing goosebumps to my bare arms. Even the heat from my burnt shoulders doesn't make me any warmer.
Harry lightly taps my arm. I turn to see him holding out a woolen cardigan, the warm fabric looking very appealing right now.
"Here. I knew you would get cold." He smiles.
"How did you know that?" I pull the cardigan over my body, immediately snuggling into it.
"Because I know you. And I know that you have an incredibly bad cold tolerance thanks to living in Australia."
Fair enough.
A tall woman starts coming over to us, her height only exaggerated further by the stilettos on her feet. She doesn't speak, and leads us over to a table that has a gold plaque resting in the centre. Under the 'reserved' it has the name 'Jemima'.

GOLDEN (harry styles)
Fanfictionwhen nixie rose ester oliver gets a surprise email saying that she has been chosen as harry styles's tour photographer, she says yes. she says the three letter word that has the power to change your whole life. luckily for her it did, in the form o...