un soir d'été

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"Are you on uno, Sarah?" Harry questions, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.

"Piss off." She mutters, making an arrogant smirk rise on his lips.

We've been playing uno for about an hour now, in a desperate attempt to pass the time on the bus. San Francisco has been left behind, and L.A. is now our mission. However, this game, which was picked because it causes less arguments, is proving to be just as difficult.

Childish jabs are exchanged between Harry and Mitch, always acting like teenage brothers. Sarah has revealed a true dark side, one I didn't think she could have. She pulled out evil Sarah when she made Harry pick up 12 cards by piling up three +4s. He's been in a foul mood ever since. Charlotte and Adam are the only nice players, but even then you can't trust them.

It's last human standing now.

I've been building up cards now, preparing to pull out my swap hands. Sadly, I think the victim might be Harry, as he sheds card after card, whilst I gather two at a time.

Then again, Sarah is unknowingly helping my plan by giving me heartless +2s time and time again, accompanied by the occasional +4s. I don't know how she got so many, but she did.

"I thought this game was family friendly..." Mitch mumbles under his breath.

"Okay, whose go is it?" I ask.

"Yours." Harry responds, not looking away from Sarah.

I think he's trying to be intimidating, because he's pulled out the long hair Harry glare. The one where his eyebrows arch up, and his eyes set on his target, making them want to evaporate. It's a bit scary to be honest.

I place down a gentle card, a lovely red one. I've saved up all the high scoring cards, like the reverses and skips, for the purpose of giving them all to Harry. His competitiveness is only fueling the fire.

My choice of card brings a snicker from Adam, who just shakes his head before leaning in closer to me.

"You might think you're being sly, but I know exactly what you're doing." He smirks.

"Does anyone else know?" I whisper back.

"Nope. Your secret's safe with me." He shuffles away again.

I don't have to worry about anyone else hearing though, because there is now a war breaking out across the circle. I assume Harry just gave Mitch another +2 card, because the latter man is making a very big deal out of reaching for two cards, and sighing dramatically.

I feel like I'm playing with my siblings.

"Just pick up your cards for god's sake Mitchell." Sarah snaps.

He huffs, and brings the cards in question to his ever growing pile. Harry reaches over and ruffles his hair.

"Good boy, Mitche-" His annoying tone is cut off by a groan of pain, as Mitch elbows him in the stomach.

Adam, Charlotte and I laugh behind our hands, trying not to cry with amusement, clutching our sides for support. The game continues, until Harry announces with a cheer that he has hit uno.

Time to strike.

"I'm going to win, I'm going to win, I'm going to win!" He sings songs, getting up from the floor and dancing stupidly around the small compartment.

It's good to know that he isn't getting ahead of himself. I have to say though, the thought of shooting down that cockiness makes my heart burst with joy.

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