des morceaux de ton beau cœur brisé

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The soft beating sound of recorded drums plays through my headphones, my hand lightly tapping my knees in rhythm. Through the window the bustling city races by in a blur, green flashes spaced between the gray of buildings. A warm, uplifting feeling fills the space in my stomach that was fluttering with nerves only a few seconds ago as the beautiful scenery brings a smile to my face. It's good to be back.

I love Sydney.

"So why are you here?" The uber driver asks kindly, looking at me through the front mirror.

"Just stopping by to see a friend." I nod, looking back out the window.

Maybe Nixie as well, if I'm lucky. Or unlucky.


"Where are you from? I can hear an accent, but I don't want to make assumptions."

"Manchester," I laugh. "But I've been living overseas for a while."

"Oh really? Where abouts?" The man beams, cheeks a bit red from sunburn.

"Over in L.A."

"No way! I used to live there, probably when I was around your age! I had the time of my life, being young and having plenty of fun."

"What was your favourite thing about L.A?" I ask, genuinely curious to hear the older gentleman's answer.

"The people. You know, I learnt a very important lesson there."


"Really. It was that you always have to take the chance. It may seem scary, but I was told by my best friend that very often the risks seem scarier than the positives. In reality, the positives are much more important. So, my advice to you judging by how nervous you seem, is that you should always take the chance." He smiles knowingly before chuckling. "But then again I'm nearing 65, and I don't know why you're nervous."

I grin at the man through the mirror, making eye contact with his kind, gentle ones. His navy polo shirt brings out the blue in their centre.

"Thank you so much."

"No problem son. We're here now."

I glance outside the window to see the familiar brick walls of Griffin's house, curtains covering any glimpse of the inside of the house. A new rose bush has been added, bright yellow petals contrasting with the traditional red.

"Thank you for the ride." I smile, handing him a twenty dollar note.

"It was my pleasure. Now, go and take the chance. It can only do positives." He points his finger at me with a wide grin.

I return the expression, and step out of the car, walking around to the boot to retrieve my luggage. I grab my two suitcases, one brown and beige with mickey mouse patterned sparingly, and the other a simple black duffel bag. With a final wave, I watch the taxi disappear down the street.

Time to take a chance.

I breathe in deeply, releasing any nerves. The sound of the gentle guitar beginning in the demo plays. I forgot that it was still going. Lyrics have been swirling in my head for days now, but not travelling much further than that. I wish I could say different.

I raise my hand to knock when suddenly the door swings open, and I'm hit by Griffin running into me, excitement radiating off of his body along with the smell of a barbecue.

"You're here! Finally!" He shouts.

"Yeah, about time!"

"Jesus, how've you been?"

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