alors que j'ouvre les yeux

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My phone rings shrilly, echoing off the walls of my tour bus bunk. We have just arrived in Boston, Massacheusats. It's cloudier than previous states, and a light drizzle of rain is threatening to turn into something colder and more monstrous.

My siblings' faces appear on the screen as I click the green accept button. Emilie seems like she's at a cafe, probably planning out something for work. Penelope is in her room, I can see the multiple colourful posters hanging on her walls. I can't see Willa or Eddy.

"Look who it is!" Emilie claps her hands.

"My favourite dipshit!" Penelope smirks.

I glare at her through the screen, to which she responds with a cheery grin.

What a little shit.

"How are things over there?" Emilie asks.

"It's good, it's good. Very sunny still." I nod sarcastically to the window behind my head, the raindrops growing stronger right on cue.

"Isn't it winter?"

"Yep! Almost, at least."

"Lucky you. It's bloody boiling over here." Penelope groans.

"Oh hey Nixie!" Willa bursts into frame.

She has a packet of chips in hand, and a multitude of chips in her mouth. Her baggy blue t-shirt has a butterfly embroidered across the neckline, and she obviously has not gone to work today.

That doesn't surprise me, honestly.

"Hey Wills. How are you?" I laugh.

"I'm good. I'm eating your sweet stash." Willa beams.

"What?!" I exclaim.

"Yep!" She smiles smugly, raising another chip to her lips.

"No!" I whine.

"Deal with it."

"You're such a little shit, Willa." Emilie laughs.

"Where are you, Em?" I frown, as I see a picture of us on vacation high on the gallery of photographs behind her.

"I'm at Nathan's house." Just on queue, Nathan jumps into the frame.

"Oh hi!" He laughs.

"Hi!" We respond.

He waves, grins, and then walks out again. Emilie's eyes trail after him, a warm hint of love traced in her irises. They've been together for about a year now, and I genuinely believe that they will be married one day. I have a bet on how long it will take with Penelope. She reckons four years, I think two at most.

"I'm going to have to go now, guys, but I'll talk to you soon." She smiles.

"Bye, Em! Love you!" I say.

Penelope and Willa say their goodbyes as well. Emilie grins one last time, and hangs up, leaving Willa, Penelope and I alone.

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