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The plane ride flew by, quite literally. One moment my stomach was filling with nausea at the thought of leaving Nixie again, so soon after I had finally gotten her back. Then, I woke up to bright overhead lights and a hostess with dark, curled hair asking me to adjust my seat for landing. It went by in a flash.

And still, all I can think of is her.

But at least now I have the magnificent lights of Tokyo to keep me company and distract me from the neverending stream of thoughts. I wander aimlessly through the streets, smiling at a dog that walks past with its owner. In all honesty, I'm trying to find the restaurant that I agreed to meet my friend at. I'm here for songwriting, afterall.

When I finally see the neon lights in the shapes of Japanese characters, I sigh in relief that I'm not completely useless without Nixie guiding me. When I was last here, she was basically my timekeeper. I go up the stairs, taking in the beautiful traditional artworks that hang on the walls.

"Harry!" My friend, Adrian, shouts, standing from his table in the near corner of the room.

"Hey," I smile, embracing him tightly. "How've you been?"

"Oh alright. Excited to hear what you've got..."

I laugh, accepting the chair he pulls out for me and sitting down. It's just the two of us tonight, however when we go to the studio tomorrow it will be a different story. It will be interesting though having more opinions on my music. I just hope they like what I've written.

"How was the flight?" He asks, sipping his water.

"Yeah it was good actually. Slept all the way through pretty much."

"That's good," Adrian smirks now. "And how was the mystery person you were trying to see in Aus?"

"I don't know who you're talking about...."

I try to fight the smile in my eyes, creeping to my lips, by raising my glass of water to my mouth and taking a long sip. Adrian chuckles, looking at me knowingly.

"I may be old, but I know when someone's chasing after someone. Especially with you, Styles."

My eyes widen, cheeks going bright red. I laugh it off, picking up the menu to cover my face. Suddenly the names of foods that I can't read seem very interesting. So does the ceiling.

"You're only thirty one."

"You didn't deny the other part."

Part of me curses internally, whilst the other part just gives up trying to hide Nixie and I. I mean, he's going to hear all the songs I wrote about her, and he is my good friend of nearly three years. Why shouldn't I tell him? I can trust him.

"Fine. There is a girl-"

"No shit." Adrian grins, leaning forward.

"There is a girl, who I really, really like, and I was seeing her. Well, I wasn't originally going to, but I ended up seeing her. And I wrote songs about her so you'll hear more tomorrow. Happy?"

"Thrilled, Harold," He smiles. "Honestly, though, I'm happy you found someone that makes you happy."

She makes me so happy.

"Any names of songs that I can hear and overthink until they make no sense?"

"I'll tell you a few. Ready?" I ask, he nods. "First one; 30,000 miles,"

GOLDEN (harry styles)Where stories live. Discover now