NIXIE'S P.O.VA few months ago now, around September, I had a dream. I dreamt that Harry and I's stars finally shared the same sky at the same time, that they were no longer separated by the earth's everlasting rotations. I could look up into the dazzling sea of shining stars and see the constellation of Aquarius right beside the Leo one. It felt so peaceful as well.
The feeling of waking up from it felt so strange, like I had just been torn from something so magnetic. Of course, the first thing I wanted to do was call Harry and tell him everything, how he was there beside me holding my hand and admiring the same beautiful wondrous picture. How his pretty eyes sparkled with the lights of the city surrounding us instead of the flashing glow of cameras in an audience of his shows. How he looked so happy, and free.
How I felt exactly the same, until I was pulled away from the divine reality.
So I did call him. I told him every little detail as he listened with a glimmer of something unreadable in his eyes, smiling at how I rambled for what seemed to be forever. We were talking just like we did when we were together. In fact, it almost seemed like we were together.
It suddenly felt like that promised day was closer than ever before.
Which is why I'm shaking currently, feet fiddling with each other on the floor of the car I'm sitting impatiently in. A weird minty smell stains the air, and I swear the car is in possession of the most useless heater in the whole of the United States, pumping out cool air into the already polar car. I can feel the goosebumps rising on my arms without having to look.
I smile in amazement at the beautiful scenery of Los Angeles, skyscrapers all reaching for the beaming blue sky. There isn't a cloud in sight, which I'm sure Harry is happy about. God, just the thought of him makes all of the nauseous butterflies return to my stomach, all different shades of my anxiety.
Anxiety really is just little butterflies, after all. It flies back and forth, unable to make up its mind, until finally leaving for a while. Then when you least want it to, it comes back and causes you to go blue in fear. I've learned to cope with my butterflies.
They're part of who I am.
I breathe out, watching as my warm breath fogs the glass slightly. Absent minded, my finger goes to draw a small love heart, my eyes gazing off unfocused on something in the distance. The lights seem brighter as I do. Every part of me is on high alert right now, my knees bouncing in a mixture of high anxiety and excitement.
Because in a few minutes, I get to see him.
I get to see Harry.
After all these never ending months of random facetimes and awkward air between us, inhabiting the 10,553 miles, I'll get to embrace him. I'll actually be able to absorb every inch of him in person, rather than through my wandering dreams. And the best, and worst part is that it's a surprise. He doesn't know.
I got the call from Sarah and Charlotte a week ago, telling me that Harry would be doing a show tonight, on the thirteenth of December, to perform his new album in full. Of course I knew about the album coming out, but Harry had strictly told me I wasn't allowed to listen to a word of it until he was with me to "explain himself".
I laughed at this, and agreed. I've heard some snippets of songs obviously. The temptation to listen to the singles has been so high though. Every inch of me is dying to listen to 'Lights Up' and 'Adore You'. I want to be able to hear what he's been working so hard on for what seems like an eternity.
I'm pulled brutally from my wavering thoughts by a loud, blaring, and quite frankly rude honk of the car behind us. The driver shakes his head angrily, and swerves into the road beside us. The driver in this car however, just keeps smiling the same slightly strange smile he's been wearing the whole drive. I gulp, turning to look out of the window again.

GOLDEN (harry styles)
Fanfictionwhen nixie rose ester oliver gets a surprise email saying that she has been chosen as harry styles's tour photographer, she says yes. she says the three letter word that has the power to change your whole life. luckily for her it did, in the form o...