I don't think I've ever felt more golden. The last few days have been showered with an unhealthy amount of secret kisses, late night rendezvous, and hidden embraces, mainly occurring just before we see the rest of the band. I think they know that Harry and I are somewhat together, but we haven't made it official yet.
It makes me laugh though. Imagine if I could tell myself, back in San Francisco, that only a few months later I would be in love with Harry.
The best part is he loves me back.
It's our third day in the marvellous city of Tokyo. The neon lights and picturesque streets have drawn everyone to adventure, my camera slung loosely around my neck. Harry and I have been wandering aimlessly through the mazework of busy roads for about two hours now. We stopped a while ago for food, but otherwise it's been continuous. Not that I'm complaining.
"What're you taking a picture of?" He frowns, bending over to get a glimpse of the camera screen.
A carefully framed shot of the main road is displayed, every colour captured beautifully. People walk straight through the frame, creating a cityscape that I'll probably admire on the plane home.
"The beautiful world around us." I smile up to him.
"As you should. If we're taking photos of beautiful things, can I take one of you?"
"That was such a shitty pick up line." I shake my head with a small laugh.
"Okay, I know, I know, but please? Can I?" He begs, laughing as I pout.
I sigh, and hand him my camera, to which he smirks and gives a cheeky thumbs up. My feet drag me underneath a bursting pink light, the colour illuminating my face with a crimson glow.
"See? It's not too bad is it?"
"Says you, Mr superstar." I mutter to myself.
"I heard that!"
His comment makes me break into a joyful smile, suddenly forgetting about the camera only a few metres away. I raise my chin higher, and let out the happiest laugh I think I ever have, staring up into the purple lights that shine onto the clouds above me, creating an artificial neon sky.
I love Tokyo. It has such a divine peacefulness about it, whilst being so incredibly busy and fast paced. Cars speed by like they're on a race course, but it's still somewhat quiet. There are millions of people in the city, yet you still feel alone, in a good way. You don't feel like you're being pushed with every step.
"Done! You can stop complaining now!" Harry snickers, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of my 'pose'.
I rise to my tippy toes to try and see the camera screen, but given the drastic height difference, this fails. It also doesn't help that he finds it absolutely hilarious to hold my property above my head in a taunting manner.
"Harry!" I whine.
"Can I please look at the photo?"
He laughs, out of breath from having to dance around me. The camera is lowered finally. A brightly coloured reflection of the world stares back at me, as does my laughing smile. My red hair looks more purple, and my loved red trousers more blue.
Something else catches my eye though, and it isn't that Harry has somehow managed to get the edge of his pinky finger in frame.
It's how genuine my smile is. I don't take photos often, mainly because I hate fake smiling more than anything. It makes me feel gross, and insincere. Everytime you take a photo, or a selfie, or a family picture you have to smile, even if you don't really want to. But here, in this little snapshot...

GOLDEN (harry styles)
Fanfictionwhen nixie rose ester oliver gets a surprise email saying that she has been chosen as harry styles's tour photographer, she says yes. she says the three letter word that has the power to change your whole life. luckily for her it did, in the form o...