*trigger warning- intense panic, dread
My fingers grip the edge of the cake tin as I shuffle out of my car, trying desperately not to drop it. L.A is pure sunshine at this time of day, the aquamarine autumn sky providing a home for the few clouds that linger.
A quiet curse leaves my lips as I almost trip over a stray rock. My focus, however, is locked on the insanely beautiful house that stares at me. The ceiling high windows and sleek white walls paint a perfect picture of Californian homes, and the tall palm trees dotted along the pathway only fuel this stereotype.
I'm not complaining though.
Guilt finds its way into my step as I walk up to the front door, my old dirty sneakers managing to leave a faint mark on the sandstone. I take a deep breath, and raise my hand to the doorbell.
There is a comotion behind the translucent glass as someone rushes to the door. It sounds like the someone tripped, and knocked a vase over in the process.
"Hi!" Harry yanks open the door, panting.
"Hey!" I grin.
"Oh hello, Nixie Pixie!" He laughs, still a bit out of breath.
"Did you just call me Nixie Pixie?"
"Yeah," Harry laughs. "Sorry, is that okay?"
"Yeah it's fine." I smile, staring at him in amused wonder.
"What's this?" He asks, looking at the tin I'm holding.
He takes it out of my hands, and smells it. I giggle at the strange action that only he would do, running his fingertip along the edge to retrieve a stray line of icing that sits there. I'm surprised the cupcakes are still intact to be honest, what with my awful driving skills.
"I just brought some cupcakes, I thought we would all enjoy them."
"You shouldn't have, Nixie! Jesus, how many did you get?" His eyes are wide in shock as he mentally tallies up the individual cakes.
"Enough." I shrug.
"It's a mystery!" He jokes, and then goes serious again when he looks at me. "How are we going to eat all of these?"
"We don't have to. Worst comes to worst, you get to keep the rest."
"Thank you, so much. This is so kind of you."
His eyes look to mine fondly, the seagreen around the edges looking more blue the longer he stands under the sky. A kind, appreciative smile rests on his cheeks. It makes me feel warm inside, even though it's boiling outside.
"It was no problem, honestly."
"You really are a gem."
"Why thank you. Is anyone else here?" I ask, peering over his shoulder.
Well, at least, I tried to. He's a fair bit taller than me so it was more difficult than I thought it would be.
"Yeah, the rest of the band are here. You were late as always." He grins cheekily.
"Why am I always late?" I groan.
"Because you're Nixie. Guys she's here!" He yells as we walk through the hallway to his backyard.Stunning artworks line the walls, each filled with different lake scenes and shades of summer. It's exactly how I imagined his house. There is a row of colourfully painted guitars standing against the living room wall, each with their own strap. His couch is a lively turquoise, as is the lamp shade on the side table.

GOLDEN (harry styles)
Fanfictionwhen nixie rose ester oliver gets a surprise email saying that she has been chosen as harry styles's tour photographer, she says yes. she says the three letter word that has the power to change your whole life. luckily for her it did, in the form o...