I race downstairs with my multicoloured, sticker-covered suitcase in hand and my backpack making a strange noise every time it bounces across my shoulders. I'm very much aware that I am already four and a half minutes late, and my heart feels like it is preparing to do a bungy jump.
It has adjusted to the idea that I might die.
I know I'm probably being over dramatic about this, but I specifically remember Sarah telling me not to be late. It's not like I have any past experiences to justify or rebut her points.
I hit the stray strands of hair out of my face aggressively, and continue to hurry out of the hotel. Check out seems to take significantly longer than it should, and my frustration with myself is growing by the minute.
Finally, after what feels like a bloody eternity, I manage to sprint out of the hotel to the gigantic, luxurious looking tour buses that have been parked in the car park since 3am, looming over my nonexistent time management skills.
"Oh look here she is!" I hear Sarah laugh.
My knuckles have gone a starched white colour from holding my suitcase too tightly, and my lungs feel like they are going to explode.
"I'm so sorry, I couldn't find my book, and then i couldn't find my shoes, and then I-"
"Nixie?" Harry comes around the side of the bus, frowning in confusion.
"Yeah?" I exhale, feeling the red raw scratchiness at the back of my throat.
"What are you doing here?"
"Sarah and Charlotte said to be here by 1:30. I'm so sorry I was late-"
"Are you serious guys?" A wide grin spreads across his sunlit face, his cheekbones catching the afternoon sun.
I look to where his gaze is, seeing Sarah on the verge of collapsing to the floor in laughter, and Charlotte mirroring her almost exactly. Harry sighs, and puts his head in his hands.
"You're so mean. All of you." He laughs out.
"I'm sorry! We had to, it's part of her initiation!" Sarah clutches her stomach, and drops her head back in laughter.
I even see a glimpse of a giggle from Mitch.
"Wait, so I didn't have to be here now?" I ask, very disoriented.
"No. No, you didn't. But sadly, there are idiots in my band," Harry smirks, and glances at his watch. "We didn't technically need to be here for another ten minutes."
"Oh. Wait, why are you all here then?" I'm even more confused now.
"I came down early to help load the bags onto the bus. And I don't know why these fools are here." He answers.
I think he's my favourite person on this tour.
"Oh, well, I'm down here now. Can I help you with anything?" I place my bags on the ground.
Harry looks slightly shocked for a second, but quickly hides it with a smile. I've learnt in our limited interactions that that is something he's very good at.
"If you don't mind, that would be amazing."
"Yeah, it's fine. You seem shocked." I laugh.
"To be honest, I thought you would want to get revenge on Sarah and Charlotte." He chuckles, hauling a heavy looking bag into a low compartment.
"I'll do that later." I smirk.
I grab a peach coloured rucksack, admiring the purple and blue emblems sewn around the neck. One displays an ocean like pattern, bringing me back into my long lost memories.

GOLDEN (harry styles)
Fanfictionwhen nixie rose ester oliver gets a surprise email saying that she has been chosen as harry styles's tour photographer, she says yes. she says the three letter word that has the power to change your whole life. luckily for her it did, in the form o...