* warning: drug and alcohol use
I sit by the water, legs held closely to my swimsuit-clad chest watching the waves crash in their own rhythm. The sane continues to be beaten, revealing shiny bits of rock and green glass that have been buried underneath the dull brown for too long. These shards light up the beach when the fading sunlight hits them right, cascading little sparkles down the stretch of sand.
A sigh of relief floods from my lips, a small smile setting as I rest my head on my knees. My grey irises stare out to the horizon, counting every black ship silhouette I see on my fingers. There's only a few at this time.
The colours of the sky are losing vibrancy quickly, reminding me that it is close to darkness. The dusk slipped through my fingers, being replaced with the long, no doubt fun night ahead.
I pick up my heels from beside me, brushing away any damp sand that clings to the velvety material. The many rings adorning my fingers shine under the rising moonlight, the rose illuminated with night time light from all angles. The silver has a tint of blue from the ocean, shifting to pink when the sky takes control. My heart pauses with the distant crashing of the waves at the slight sting the universe hands me.
Nevertheless, I continue to walk back to Lilia's car, where she and Wren are hurriedly getting ready in the backseat. There are lipsticks of various shades and brands scattered across the leather, multiple mismatching shoes shoved into the passenger seat. Another girl sits in the driver's seat, carefully applying a darker crimson lip liner whilst somehow texting.
She catches my confused stare, and smirks, holding out her phone to me with her free hand. A full paragraph has been typed out without her sight, causing my jaw to drop in surprise, and a little bit of awe. She grins momentarily before placing the lip liner beside her.
"Cool, right?"
"Yeah, actually," I smile. "What did it say?"
"Oh I broke up with my boyfriend. He was being a dick yesterday, and I thought he deserved to know that."
My expression must have been amusing, because the girl laughs and pulls me into a quick embrace. Her tanned skin is barely covered by the small neon pink dress clinging to her body, thin straps holding it up. I get a strong whiff of Victoria Secret perfume.
"Don't look so surprised," She giggles, retrieving a mascara. "He won't be."
I turn away, hiding my anxious expression. Instinctively I start to nibble on one of my acrylics, not caring if the blush pink gets chipped. Lilia finally sees me, waving a hand before speaking.
"Hey Nixie!" She draws out, elbowing Wren.
The dark haired girl messes up her eyeliner, eyes widening in horror and hand quickly slapping Lilia's leg in retaliation. The blonde opens her pink lips to say something, but swiftly closes them to hide a giggle at the long, messy line stemming from the corner of Wren's eye.
"You bitch, Lils!" She exclaims, pitch high enough to shatter a window.
"I'm so sorry, look I'll help."
Lilia clumsily reaches a hand out to wipe away the staining liquid, accidentally spreading it further. I turn to face the sea as the two girls start to bicker, voices rising every few seconds in anger.
"So, you're Nixie." The unknown girl smirks, popping her lips out as she finishes putting lipstick on them.
"Yeah, kinda."

GOLDEN (harry styles)
Hayran Kurguwhen nixie rose ester oliver gets a surprise email saying that she has been chosen as harry styles's tour photographer, she says yes. she says the three letter word that has the power to change your whole life. luckily for her it did, in the form o...