If I thought that Harry's concerts were usually chaotic, I was very wrong. It's the Sydney show tonight, and to say that poor Mary is on the verge of screaming is an understatement. Her words have been ignored by the British boy for about an hour now, and it isn't going well to say the least.
I'm surprised Harry hasn't been kicked out honestly.
Suits of various colours, flare lengths and trouser heights have been strewn all over the already-messy dressing room, so much so that I have to watch where I step in order to not damage a shoe that costs thousands.
"Harry for the love of God, can you please just pick one?" Mary begs, her desperation getting the best of her.
"I will, I will, I just can't... Ow!" He exclaims, pricking his finger on a needle in the suit he's trying to pull up his legs.
Mary pinches the bridge of her nose, and exhales very loudly. She hurries over to Harry, and helps him out of the deadly trousers. I stand in the doorway, not sure whether to laugh or be very confused. Sadly, I pick the first option, and before I can successfully smother the giggle, Harry spots me.
"Nixie!" He shouts, panicked.
I gulp, the look Mary is giving me bearing into my soul. Harry dashes to the table, and returns holding up two brightly coloured trousers and glancing between them.
"Which one should I wear?" He asks desperately.
"Um, can you bring them closer?"
"Okay." He strides forward, somehow not tripping over in the heeled boots he's wearing.
I wish I had that skill.
I examine the two trousers. One has a wine coloured, floral print covering every inch of fabric, and the other is a salmon pink, the fabric so incredibly smooth to the touch.
"Go for the pink." I decide, nodding with a smile.
"Yes. Everyone loves pink." I shrug.
Harry grins, and darts in to kiss my cheek. Before I can refuse, or thank him, or ask him why, he has run off, yelling something to me.
"Thank you so much! You're a gem, Nix!" He shouts, running back into his dressing room.
I stand still in complete shock. The room's sudden silence takes me in its arms, allowing me to try and process what on earth just happened. I hear a deep rumble of laughter from behind me. To my surprise, it belongs to Mitch.
"What?" I exclaim a bit too defensively.
"I think Harry might have a little crush." Sarah smirks, appearing from a nearby corridor.
She's wearing a beautiful patterned dress, the bright colours fitting her spectacular personality. Her hair is styled to perfection. Charlotte and Ny follow her into the room.
"Oh, is this about the budding love between Harry and Nixie?" Charlotte asks.
"Yes, obviously." Naomi nods.
They all share a look, and turn to me. I sigh, and place my head in my hands.
"He doesn't like me in that way, guys, we're just friends."
Even though I want to be more than that...
More strange, and unusually unnerving thoughts race around in my head, confusing me beyond belief. I don't even know what I think anymore. My trail of thought is interrupted by Sarah grabbing my arm and pulling me to the corner of the room.

GOLDEN (harry styles)
Fanfictionwhen nixie rose ester oliver gets a surprise email saying that she has been chosen as harry styles's tour photographer, she says yes. she says the three letter word that has the power to change your whole life. luckily for her it did, in the form o...