Chapter 4

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Xavier broke away from Celeste and walked to the center of the group. "Celeste has said I can lead the run. You all will follow me and we are suppose to work to grow as a team. On the way to the lake we will go through the obstacle course. When we get to the lake the alpha has set up a midnight snack for us. We can swim in the lake. When you get tired we can head to the cavern and sleep there in wolf form for the rest of the night."

Camille looks at him and says, "when will you stop acting like a future Alpha? You are just a
future beta."

"Next week when Celeste turns 18 we will be each other's mate and I will be your future Alpha." He then growls at her to be quiet. He then turns and takes off running, and everyone follows.

We get to the obstacle course. In wolf form he runs through tunnels, around trees, around bramble, over hills. Then transforms into his human form. He climbs a wood wall and repels down it, crawls below wires, swings across a creek, and jumps on a bike and rides across the track and ends at the lake and swims across to where the lake senior gathering is. He howls, "my time is 9 minutes and 32 seconds."

We see Celeste does it 9 minutes and 35 seconds. We had everyone in front of me do it's between 9 minutes and 41 seconds to 10 minutes and 27 seconds. Damien, Dawn and Clyde are left and they tell me to go. When I am told to go I take off and do the course. I am done I was told I did it in 9 minutes and 24 seconds. I had most of the class excited but Celeste growls at me, "how were you able to beat our time your first time through this course?"

"In our old pack they had us doing obstacle courses within the first month of changing. They would switch it around every 2-3 months so we got use to being on unfamiliar courses." Then the other 3 made it over. We then went to the snack table and started eating. Someone turned on music and lit a campfire. We all put on our swimsuits and had fun at lake." Though l did keep getting dirty laundry by Celeste and Xavier."

After a while we grabbed some hidden sweat pants and tshirts and sat around the campfire. Celeste says, "let's play truth or dare. I will start since I am the highest rank here. Emily, since your new I will ask you TRUTH or DARE?"


"What is the farthest you gone with a guy?"

My face turned red, I shyly replied, "just hugged friends and kiss cheeks.  I been raised to wait for my mate."

"Oh your one of those girls. Maybe should call you icy." Then her and Xavier laughed.  "Your turn."

"Damien, truth or dare?"

"Dare of course."

"I dare you to grab a handful of ice and drop it down your underwear and it has to melt. No removing it."

Damien laughed, "that is cold." He walks over to the cooler and grabs a handful of ice and dumps it down. He stands still for a few seconds and  then starts to wiggle. "Shit. This is cold."

Bart and Steven grabs him and holds him still. Bart said, "said cannot remove it and wiggling removes it. Your turn."

The game continued. Celeste stands up after a while and says, "I am heading to the cave. Come on Xavier." She grabs his arm and they take off.

This breaks up the party and the rest of us start to clean up. We load thing into the back of the van. Then we start heading to the cave when a group of rogues jump out. There eyes are red. One transforms into his human self. The other dozen or so of the mangy looking wolves stand behind him.

I step forward and ask, "what are you doing on our land? This is Crystal Moon Territory."

Clyde, Damien, Dawn, Bart, and Steven as warriors in training step behind me.  They transform. Jeremiah, Rita, Margaret, Lyla, Quinn, Camille, Allan, Gwen and Daisy are in the middle in their human forms. Dean, Scott and Steve are in the back and pushing the ones in the middle into the van. They slam the door. They yell, "take off." They then go stand behind the other warriors facing backwards. They watch for any  rogues who might try to follow the van as it takes off toward the pack house. Scott links his dad, "Rogues at the lake."

"Aww the pretty girl has to speak for the boys? We just heard the music and saw the girls and decided we wanted to join in. We can show you what a good time really is." He grabs himself and stokes himself.

"Guess your out of luck because the guys who are here are real men. All I see in front of me are dirty dogs who need muzzled."

He growls and a couple wolves step forward. "Last warning leave now or you won't see another sunrise unless from the dungeon."

He transforms and I also transform. He jumps toward me and I duck. I roll to my back and claw his stomach as he soars over me. I quickly roll back and leap to my paws and jump on his back. I then bite his neck and he falls over dead. 

I then turn and see 3 rogues going after  Bart since he is the largest wolf here and I jump on one of their backs.  He rolls and tries to pin me but I jump off and turn around. I growl at him.  He whimpers and turns to dart away. I do not give chase. I see Clyde start to follow and I link, "don't  we don't know if a trap. They might have others out there."  I see Steve get bit in his side and go down. "Clyde help Bart." I then run and push the rogue off Steve. I get between him and the rogue.

I all the sudden command, "SIT YOUR DAMN ASS DOWN." He drops to his butt and shows his neck to me.  Plus the rogue that Bart was fighting did the same thing. They both responded to my tone. Bart called out, "help Steve." I will watch these two. I look and notice 7 rogues were down. There were only two rogues still fighting when Alpha Pettit and warriors ran into the beach. They quickly took down the two who were fighting.

"He looked around and yelled, "where is my daughter? Where is Xavier? How in the hell did this many rogues get into the territory?"

Dawn said, "they went to the cave earlier while we cleaned up. When the rogues attacked Emily as ranking wolf took command. She killed the first rogue that attacked. She kept Clyde from chasing a rogue who took off. She defended Steve when he went down.  She is one hell of a fighter. Her moves were awesome. She kept them distracted long enough to for Dean, Scott and Steve to get the non warriors off the battlefield area. She did our pack proud. I would gladly follow her in battle any day Alpha Benjamin."

Beta Thomas ran into the area, "the pups in the van made it back to the pack house. We found the wolves on patrol. Two are getting medical assistance and the other two were guarding the cave where your daughter and my son were. They were escorted back to the pack house by the delta. They are to report to your office tomorrow morning right after breakfast."

A couple warriors walked up, "Alpha?"

He turned and looked at them, "yes?"

"Out of the 7 rogues the pups had on the ground- 2 of them were dead and rest were injured and knocked out. The medics are treating them. We have 2 who are now in chain. Then 3 are dead that our warriors killed.  The pups only had Steve get a bite on his side and Doc is treating him. The others just have some minor bruising and scratches.

"Have them check the area to make sure no more rogues are on the territory."

I walked up to the alpha, "alpha Pettit?"

"Yes, Emily?"

"There was one rogue that did get away. I order Clyde not to give chase since I did not know if the one running was setting up an ambush like what happened last year with that one pack from the north."

"That was great thinking.  I think it is time to get you guys all home.  Stay here Beta and clean up this mess. I am going to escort the prisoners back. Samuel you go with your son to the hospital. You pups all go back with him and head home to bed. Tomorrow evening at 7pm I want all pack members reporting for a pack meeting." He then turned and walked toward the prisoners.

" He then turned and walked toward the prisoners

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