Chapter 18

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Thirty-four minutes laters the judges come back and sat down. Alpha Sites stood up to address the room. "Today a young lady stood up to protect someone despite the fact he harmed her. She came up with an interesting solution. Will Warriors Wallowitz and Caliski please step forward."

They stood up and walked up to the front to stand before the judges. They stood before them and looked right above their heads as was custom in a court room. "We are going to give you two choices of your fate."

He sat down and Judge Schaffer stood up and spoke, "I have been a judge for 24 years and this is the first time any of us have given someone a choice. Strangely enough also the first time the five of us were unanimous in this decision. You have that young lady to thank for it.  The first choice we are offering you is a compromise. You would be out on 30days probation with 20% pay decrease plus the two alpha and elder will have you at each of their packs for 10 days to be assigned a task designated by them. This will be your way to make amends for the offense they felt by your action to Emily Sheets. Upon completion of your 30 days you will return back here. You then will go back to full pay. Then will spend time with trainers to come up with a program for warriors with your duties. If you manage to stay out of trouble during this time this matter will be removed from your record." 

He then sat down and  Judge LaBlanc stood up and said,  "The second choice is you two stand trial and we decide if guilty or not. We decide your fate. You have had a young wolf stand before us as a true ambassador and leader who informed us she want to be an artist go to battle for you. As stated before this is the first time we have let someone be given a choice."

He sat down and Alpha Sherwood stood up, "This next part  is one thing that was disagreed upon. It was a 2-3 vote. I feel it was wrong to give same punishment to both warriors since one did not assault Emily. Yes, we do think it was unnecessary force and not pushing her from the silver bars. We do not however feel it was meant to cause harm. What we  have voted to do is we will offer a third option.  This would be  Wallowitz is given 40 days and Caloski is given 10 days for the lesser offense."

Calowski spoke up, "Sir, I cannot accept that offer. There is no I in team and warriors work as a team."

Wallowitz spoke up, "Cal, you have a mate who is expecting. You need to be here with her. It was my anger that landed you in trouble." He looks at the judges, "Sir, I request you let me take this for the team, so he can be here with his mate."

He sat down and Alpha Julianna spoke up. "It sounds like you both agree about no trial, but disagree on the results." She turned toward the alphas and elder, "What do you feel the best plan of action is? Which way should we go?"

Elder Jack stood up, "You all are sneaky. Your plan all along was to get us to get us to compromise and decide their fate. With them willing to both give shows they have teamwork and willing to accept punishment shows they deserve it. I will offer an Omega apartment for them to stay in and let Calowski's mate be with him at night and he works during the day"

Then Alpha Gavin stood up, "I am willing to compromise too. I suggest we cut both their punishments to 5 days at each pack instead of the 10. I still say a full 30 days reduce pay."

Then Uncle Rhett stood up, "As pointed out one did do a greater offense. Normally when assigned labor they are given 10 hour days with 3 meals. I suggest that Calowski is given 8 hours and Wallowitz is given 12 hours days. Plus still get the help design training plan."

Elder Jack spoke up, "and upon their return I would like to be part of the training rewrite if you agree."

Judge Julianne smiled and said, "we agree with your compromise, but anytime during the time serve there is a problem it will increase back up to the 30 days. You are dismissed. Wallowitz and Calowski you may return home. We need to come up with a plan for the rogues now and once that is taken care of you will start serving your sentence."

Wallowitz spoke up, "the one rogue kept taunting the brothers this afternoon that they were moving to a hidden place where they could see and not be seen."

"In other words we have unknown wolves and no ID on them," said Alpha Sites.

I spoke up and said, "Sir, that is it true. I will be right back." I then ran back to my room. I grabbed my sketch book and ran back to the room they were at. "Here." I yelled as I slammed my sketch pad on the table. I then started turning pages and ripped one page after another out tossing them toward different people. "They were the ones at the river.

Alpha Sites when he saw the pictures growled

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Alpha Sites when he saw the pictures growled. "My brother, Kingsley is part of this group?"

I reply, "the tall guy was the one issuing orders. The others listened to them."

Alpha Shaffer replied, "Mac is with him. Does that mean your brother and my cousin teamed up? They are the Alpha and the Beta of the rogues."

Alpha Sherwood growls, "they are the ones who took Jade?"

Bradley replied, "they refer to the tall one as Alpha Kings Site. Still where would he take my sister?"

I start to shake and the world fade around me as I stare at the one they call Kingsley. Then I grab by bag and pull out my pencils and grab my sketch book and I start drawing.again. Everyone looks at me oddly.

Alpha Julianne whispers, "oh my goddess she is a gifted one."

She looked over at Rhett and says, "why didn't you tell us?"

He replied, "I knew she was strong, but she doesn't turn 18 until Sunday. Also she was never tested because she shifted early and was not a late bloomer."

Julianne looks at the clock, "it is now after midnight. It is Sunday."

When I come out of my haze it is almost 3am. I drop my pencils and whisper, "this is where they are. The cabin hides the caves. He has to be within a couple hours of here for me to feel him." Then I lay my head on the table and am asleep.

" Then I lay my head on the table and am asleep

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