Chapter 12

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The next morning since we all had our families here we did not need the buddy system. I went off with my family after we ate breakfast. We were dressed for a day of exploring when Scott and Steve walked up to us. "Hello Beta Mathew and Beta Brenda. We were wondering if our family could join you as you explore the island today?"

Dad looked at them and said, "it will be ok, but before we leave I think we need to have a talk. Let's walk to the children obstacle course and let the younger ones run through that course before we take off." He turns toward Sonya, Tonya and me. "You girls go help your brothers with the course while I talk to the Zurich's."

We take them and help them on the course. Mom later told me about their talk.

Dad looked at them and said, "I know that look. Are you two sharing Emily as a mate?"

Scott and Steve shout out, "NO SHE IS LIKE A SISTER TO US."

"Well who is your mates then? I can see you have one and you came to me as a Beta.  Are they in another pack and we have to arrange them to join Crystal Moon Pack?"

Scott look at Dad and then his parents, "Rught now we cannot be with our mates. We see them as close friends since they have not reached of age yet. We just felt we should approach the family and let them know our intentions were pure until they come of age."

Dad looked at them, "that is very honorable of you boys. Do you want me to go with you to talk with the parents?"

"Umm well you see Sir," Scott says.

Beta Brenda placed her arm on her mate and interrupted, "you came to us in this honorable way because you want to spend time with your mates as friends to appease your wolf until Sonya and Tonya become of age."

Both boys looked relieved and looked at her, "yes mam, but we don't want to ruin their first moment of realizing their mates. However, we cannot ignore them for 4-6 years."

Beta Matthew all the sudden realized what his mate said and shouted, "my baby girls?"

Beta Brenda patted him again, "calm down. We are blessed to know we have honorable wolves who came to us and think of our daughters needs first." She turned toward Samuel and Michelle, "you have raised good pups. Even though Matt is shocked he knows what I say is true. Now let us spend the day together having fun." She then turns toward the boys, "but if you every hurt them you will see I am worse than a bear with her cubs. While your at camp your parents and us will come up with a plan to appease your wolves."

Steve and Scott grin real big. "Thank you Beta and Beta." Then they turn and run over to help their mates with their little brothers."

Michelle looked at Brenda and said, "sounds like we will be getting to know each other personally and professionally. Doc Belmont just confirmed yesterday I am pregnant with triplets and we planned to tell the boys today. This will be my last weekend to shift and run as a family before they leave. When they return from camp I will be too far along to shift.  We thought we would spend the day with them and tonight at supper make the announcement."

Mom looked at her and said, "Let's gather the pups. We were going to run up the mountain and zip-line down it. How about we all pair up. Matt will take Barry,  I will take Harry, Emily will take Larry, Steve and Scott will have Sonya  and Tonya, then you two will be paired up. We had arranged for a picnic to be set up at the end of the zip-line. Let's us go add your family so we have enough food." They start to head back to add to their reservation and mom turns around, "you two stay here and watch the pups. We will link you when we are done and meet you at the start of the trail." Then the two mom's  walk away.

Then 15 minutes later dad decides the boys should try to go to the bathroom and 10 minutes later we all change into our wolves and take off down the trail. The boys are wearing the backpacks with our change of clothes. We have a grand time running and zip-lining. We then have a great picnic. We take a tourist trolly back to the hotel. We all go to our rooms about 2:00 and rest. I pack up my bags. I leave out the dress for tonight. Then take a nap.

That night at supper the Zurich's make their announcement. Then we all go see the play Cats.  My brothers stay at the hotel with a sitter and I enjoy the evening with mom and dad. I look over at my sisters, Steve and Scott and ask, "are they mates?"

Then mom tells me about their talk. I smile and reply, "I always wanted older brothers and now I have them."

Well don't tell your sisters. They want to wait for the girls to realize it and feel the sparks.

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