Chapter 40

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We got back to the trailer. "You know I don't like this plan."

"This plan could save lives and have the war over sooner."

"I know, but am selfish enough to say I love you. I feel we still have issues to discuss about your lies."

"Babe, I promise I will not lie to you again." He leans over and kisses my mark. We soon are making gently and passionate love to each other. Then I fall asleep in his arms.

The next morning I wake us and I am hugging his pillow. Then I see a note on the bed beside it. I open it.

My darling Emily,
After we went to bed last night I was summoned back to the palace. Apparently two rogues escaped last night. By the time you wake up you will of heard the rumor that even Rouge Deno escaped.
     I know you disagree with this plan, but yesterday the rouges ambushed a patrol and all 20 of our side was killed. This does include your friends, Gwen's older brother, Mike.  If I can maybe even stop one group I won't have to listen to another friend crying over a loss.
    You know I fell in love with a little girl when she changed for the first time. I felt that love deepen when we met again and Wolf Warrior Camp.
    I have never regretted tricking you into being my second chance mate. I just regret loosing your trust. I am glad we talked and worked it out. No that I will never deceive you again.
   When this war is over we will make the best pack ever to raise our pups in. How about we try for a bakers dozen when I get back. (But not all at once.)
    I love you. Look forward to see your art show in 2 months.

When I read that note. I jumped out of bed and quickly through on an outfit. I ran to Gwen's tent but she wasn't there. I then ran to Daisy's tent. I got her up and told her about Mike.  Then I linked the Beta's, "your in charge today.  Alpha Gavin was sent on a king's errand.  I was just told that Gwen's brother, Mike was killed. Daisy and I are going over to support her."

"Yes, Alpha."

Then Daisy and I ran to the pack.  We saw many pack members were there giving support. Gwen was being held by Kent.  When Gwen felt our hands touch her shoulder she turned to see who it was. She dove into our arms too. Soon the three of us were crying and Trent had his arms around the three of us. We heard a lone wolf howl. Soon more howls joined in. As a group we mourned the 20 lost souls.

That night I had trouble sleeping.  The next morning I was up and we started calisthenics together as a group.  We got back to our daily activities. 

When we got to art classroom Elder Daisy called us together.  "This will be the last part you will do before the art show. The queen will plan to open up the art show in July. Which that gives you three months to complete all your projects. Part three-Your art sponsor is to assign you a muse. It is to be one that can be a rough subject to apply art too. You must have at least 5 samples. You are to write a paper on why your assigned mused was a rough subject to apply art too. I will be going around and assuming each of you your muse based on my observations of you. I want you all to know I am very proud of all of you."

When she got to me she said,  "when I first read this assignment I thought about having it be your sisters.  Now I have decided since you have a mate you can use him."

"He isn't here for me to look at to be inspired by," I replied.

She got a far off look in her eye and replied, "neither is mine. It has been 35 years since he went to the mood goddess, and he still inspires me. She stopped and looked around. "Kids, follow me." She walks to the door and we follow her out into the hallway. She goes down a few rooms and unlocks a door. We walk inside. We see several sketches and paintings of a wolf. Then of a man in human form.  We look at her,   "This is my mate. I lost him 35 years ago.  We still bonded but we never marked or mated each other.  The night I met him he got called to a structural fire. He died that night.  All these photos of him and what could of been. I know each of you were given someone who isn't here.  Use your love of that person to be inspired by."  She then got a far away look. "Stay as long as you like. The last one to leave please lick up." She then walked out.

We stayed there a couple of hours checking them all. Then myself and Shawna went back to our assigned areas and was inspired to start. The others went back to their tents.

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