Chapter 14

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The busses took us to different areas of the wolf Warrior Camp. We were all assigned buddies. Then they put a special bracelet on each of us. Once that bracelet was on we could no longer mind link members in our pack. We could only mind link anyone assigned to or groups.

I stood up and growled when I realized what the bracelet did

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I stood up and growled when I realized what the bracelet did. I could not take it off. "why have you broken our links to our packs. We were not informed that you would do this. I can no longer feel my family."

The base warrior commander stood up, "We do this every time we come to warrior camp. How come you didn't know?"

Bart stood up and said, "Commander we are use to it when members come to train here and know our pack members will loose the link. Emily had just transferred into our pack. Their pack did not do training like this and none of us thought to mention about the bracelets."

Elder Pettit stepped forward and said, "I have already contacted my son to find out if her family had been informed. Or to calm them down so they don't think she is dead." He then looks at me and says, "follow me Emily. Cheryl you stay with Quinn and Windy." I follow him i to an office, and he shuts the door. "I owe you an apology for not mentioning the bracelets.  My son had just informed them of the bracelets about 30 minutes ago but had not had a chance to inform your siblings. Here is your phone. Call them on FaceTime and once you have them calm down just link Cheryl. Cheryl, Quinn and Wendy will come here and get you."

I called dad's phone and he answered. "Thank goodness. Your siblings are all very upset. We had not had time to inform them before the link was lost. But bugga boo will admit even knowing it's coming still was tough. I am glad your ok. Now let me get your siblings and Mom in here." I saw his eyes glaze and next thing I knew dad's door was pushed opened.

We talked for about 30 minutes. I then told them I had to get ready for supper and evening training. We hung up and I linked Cheryl. They came over and got me. We were walking back when a black wolf jumped out in front of us. He was an alpha. "Why in the hell do we have a rogue in our premises? You three girls get behind me while I take care of it."

I jumped out in front of Wendy, and pushed Cheryl and Quinn to the side. I pulled up my alpha ancestry, "There is no rogue here. We are part of the Red Warrior Training Team."

"I smell a rogue and unless you want to be placed in our dungeon for bit following directions of Trainer Alpha Deno Rheem you will step down now." He commanded.

I stood up and taller, "I too have Alpha blood and I know I am just a student, but I am not going to stand down. I will not have you kill one of my teammates. We are going back to our camp and will go report directly to the Red Team Commander. You are welcome to escort us there and once the Commander had confirm my story I expect an apology from you Deno."

Deno growled and he switched into a black wolf. "I am Alpha Deno to you she-wolf." I then switched into my wolf. He lunged at me to knock me down. I jumped to the side and twirled and but his back him. He bucked up and knocked me loose. He snapped toward my shoulder and I once again rolled from him and this time my paws scratched his under coating. I then knocked him down and stood over him and growled, "SURRENDER!"

  I then knocked him down and stood over him and growled, "SURRENDER!"

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Meanwhile Quinn then sent out an SOS to Red Team. We had the commander, warriors and Red Team show up. Then had the other two teams show up a few minutes later.

"Alpha, I said surrender." As I held him down. "I do not want to hurt you."

"I will not surrender to a student let alone a  she-wolf." I then pressed my paw on a pressure point around his neck until he passed out.

I then stood up and heard our commander say to the other commanders, "why did he attack her? I told you no to attacking the rogues to see about team loyalty."

I growled and turned toward them. I transferred back to my human form. I stood there naked. "What the hell kind of training is this? You commanders are suppose to be training and teaching us. Your told not to do it and this ass wipe does it anyways with some commanders blessing?" Many of the other wolves drop their eyes. Brad pulls his shirt off him and placed over me. "He had threatened to kill our teammate because she was a rogue. She is not a deranged rogue. She is one who lives peacefully between 3 packs and is a senior at my school. If I was with my uncle's pack still training you three would all be collared and busted down to Omega. If ass wipe would of gotten lucky enough to kill me his pack and the pack you commanders are in would of been wiped off this planet by my present pack and the pack I recently transferred in from."

Just then I heard two wolves clapping. I turned and saw my uncle and an unknown wolf standing there. I ran to him and gave him a hug. "Uncle Rhett."

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