Chapter 15

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"What are you doing here Uncle Rhett?"

"Apparently my niece had kicked some butt and your alpha contacted me. He asked if I would send our summer camp training schedule. Then assist setting up a program." He then turned to all the wolves standing around, "I brought a wolf from our neighboring pack to head up the set up of this program. This is Alpha Thortan Warden who has been promoted to Alpha of this training camp as of one week ago by the king."

Everyone else including myself submitted to him. While my uncle stepped back. "Thank you Alpha Rhett. First of all I want Blue and Yellow commanders to be escorted to the dungeon. Bring Alpha Deno to the pack hospital. Then escort him to the dungeon also. The second in command of blue and yellow has now been promoted up to commander of their sections. The Thirdhas now been promoted up to second. The commander can decide who Third will be. Now everyone back to your sections. You all will be issued your uniforms and place them in your locker and get your rooms set up. Supper will be served in 3 hours. Then after supper will be a team run. Then after the run will head to bed. Then expected to be up at 5:00 to get ready for 5:30-7:30 calisthenics. Then will be showers and getting dressed.  Now dismissed."

We were each given 10 new uniforms and 2 sets of bedding. We put away everything and made our beds. Then headed to cafeteria for our dinner.  The Red Commander stood up at the end of supper, "I first of all want to apologize for what happened tonight. I have lived here 25 years and no commander has never gone against the camp leader before. Tomorrow morning they are being sent back to the palace and have been demoted to warrior. Plus stripped of their power. Yes, all camp Alphas and commanders come from the palace." He looked around the room. The warriors are right now handing out your schedule.

Though tomorrow after breakfast we will meet at the training grounds

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Though tomorrow after breakfast we will meet at the training grounds. We will have everyone start off sparring  against their buddy until one surrenders. The winners will advance to round 2 and will have names drawn for sparring partners. This will continue until we are down to 2 wolves. The winner will be named Red Team Alpha and second place will be Red Team Beta. These sparing matches will be shot live on Wolf Book and the Alpha and Betas from each group will have joint leadership training 6:30-7:30. Monday - Saturday.

Now we are turning on live chat for everyone here at camp and back home can hear this announcement. Will Emily Sheets please step forward." I looked confused but stood up and walked to the front.

My uncle and Alpha Warden stepped into the room. They went and stood by the Red Commander. He looked at them and asked, "would you like to make the announcement?"

Alpha Warden stepped forward, "Tomorrow, Emily you will be excused from the sparring. You can observe it."

I asked, "but why sir?"

He looked at Emily and then turned to the Red Team. "I am very happy to announce that 5:30-7:30 Emily will be busy." He then turns and looks at me,  "Your application entry to THE SUPERNATURAL WORLD OF ART CONTEST has been accepted. We are turning one of the rooms into an art studio. Elder Daisy will be bringing some basic supplies for you to use here. After dinner you will be able to do some of the pulmonary work while here."   He then looks out at the Red Team, "no one from your school has every been accepted into this contest. Being accepted means she has earned a $1000 scholarship to University of Supernatural. If she wins any of the top 3 spots she will earn 25% off her tuition if third place. Then second place is 50% off her tuition. Then first place is 100% paid tuition. Congratulations Emily."

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