Chapter 30

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This morning Gavin and I get woken up with an alarm clock saying it is 5:00. We only got about two hours of sleep. He roles over and turns off the alarm.   He then looks at me. He leans over and kisses my mark and I moan. He slips inside me since I am already wet and slowly moves in and out of me.  I moan and kiss his neck. I get to where his neck hit the shoulder and he shutters. I fight myself and feel my teeth start to elongate. He sees what is happening he moans,  "wait baby." He starts moving faster. We soon are  moving in rhythm and going harder and faster. I see his teeth start to elongate too. Just as I am ready to explode he brings his neck back down and yells, "NOW." I sink my teeth in and feel his teeth sink in. Then we both explode. 

I still feel my self tingling. I want more of him. He pulls out and I whine. He kisses my neck and whispers roll over.  He lifts himself and I roll over. He grabs some pillows and has me roll on top of them. My butts up in the air. He pushes me down I then hear bones cracking. He has shifted and he enters me and starts pumping into me. He links to me, "shift." I shift and he starts pounding into me. I whimper when I feel him knot up. He twist and we move until we are end to end.  We stay like that for about 30 minutes. He then fills me with his seed again. It is then I realize he took me when he was the red wolf. He becomes his black wolf and once again enters me. He soon knots for a second time. Then when he release his seed he shifts back to his human self. He orders me to shift and he enters me from behind as he pounds into me. Soon I have yet another orgasm  he brings on two more orgasms before he release his seed again. 

His alarm goes off again and whispers, "this time we got to get up. We go take a shower. I put on my green shirt and he puts on his black instructor shirt.  We head to breakfast.

After breakfast I head to the training grounds and he heads over to meet with some other alphas.  I get to the training ground. Since I am the odd number I am put with one of the she-wolf warriors, Cass. Today they were having us spar in our human form.  The instructor is Alpha Adrian from The Shanadoah Pack. He visited my uncle's pack several times.  He was teaching us about how to get out of positions where we were pinned from behind in human form. It took me about half a dozen attempts before I finally got out of Cass' hold. Then we switch positions and she got out the first time. She then informed me what I did wrong and why it was quick she got out. I then kept doing it over and over. The last attempted she was not able to get out. She smiled at me and said, "It was an honor to fight with you today Alpha Emily."

Then I went inside and today's English class. The teacher, Mrs. Glasscoe was a teacher from Haworth High in Maine Pack. She gave us a paper with no punctuation or capital letters. She handed us paper and pencils. "I want you to write out this paper and add your punctuation. This will show me what we need to work on.  With everyone leaving so quickly we right now do not have computers. This is something that will be worked out in the future. Until it is we will be hand writing assignments. Please be sure to work in writing legible. Since this is a small group we will keep you together.  The larger groups we have several teachers whom they get split up between." We got to work on the paper.

After English we headed to lunch.  I set at the head table with the Betas and Deltas.  Gavin did not join us and I was disappointed.

I was happy to see Elder Daisy.  "Starting tomorrow we are going to have 22 students from other groups transferring to the green group. We have 6 of them who are part of the art program. The rest are interested in ambassador work. What we need to do is have you guys pack up and your tents will be moved. You will move your tents to in beside the blue group. Please be sure to bring your signs.  We spent the afternoon moving our tents and signs. I painted 11 more signs with Elder Daisy's help. During the pack run we were helping the 22 new green team to move to their new tents instead of doing the run. 8 of them had mates. Their mates also moved their stuff. They moved the 6 mates to the red team. The other two were already on the red team.  They had to go trade their color shirts to green or red.

They had us set up a total of 30 tents for green. Then go set up that the other rows would end up with a total of 70 tents. We were told that we would be getting some younger class man in our group based on their Warrior skills.

After supper Elder Daisy met with all of us art majors. "I am very excited about this. This is the first time ever we have had this happen. All seven of you have applied for the Supernatural Art Scholarship. The queen is a huge art lover. She has set up space for you guys in the basement. She is arranging for all your ongoing art projects to be brought here. Your alphas are working with your art teachers to get it transferred here. In the meantime I am taking you all down to the area where your going to be. I am going to give you PART ONE OF THE SUPERNATURAL CONTESTS - You are assigned to use various media's for different subjects.  There should be a minimum of 50 pieces in your display. Starting tomorrow you will be able to  start that assignment.  Now follow me."  We followed her to an entrance. The guards got us all special passes.  Then we were lead down stairs to an art rooms. We each were given our own room with a key to it.

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