Chapter 9

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The second day as I was waiting in the doorway to head to the elevator I saw Charles attacked Tyson.  He turned into wolf form and had him penned to the ground. I was standing in my hallway door and saw it happen.  I looked up and down the hallway and no one else was in the hall. I quickly transformed into my wolf as I ran down the hallway yelling, "Charles stop this behavior now. Someone help." He paused in his action but shook his head and continued growling at him. I knocked him off and we both rolled and hit the wall. Then I jumped up and got between Tyson and him.  I growled at him and he went down into submissive mode. By now we had the Elders, several warriors and classmates in the hall gawking at what they witness. Elder Pettit roared, "SHIFT NOW!!!" We were force shifted  and Elder Daisy handed us both a hotel robe. We put them on. "I want you three into my room right now. Everyone else be ready to go down to breakfast in 10 minutes." He then turned and stormed back to his room and we followed him.  "Sit on the sofa now and don't move. He looked at the warrior who stood behind the sofa. "I want to know why no warrior was in the hallway to breakup the fight. If that had been an enemy we could have dead pups on our hands. I can handle these three. You get an answer."

The warrior left the room and closed the door, "We had a rule and it was no one was to shift in the hotel. We had two of you shift. I am very disappointed and thought you both were trained better about following rules.  Now anyone want to tell me what lead to the fight?"

None of us spoke up. "Will I have to command you to answer?"

Charles stood up, "it was my fault sir. I lost control of Chuck. I attacked Tyson when I got upset at this pitiful excuse of a wolf. Hell he should not even me called a wolf, he is just human," he sneared at Tyson."

I stood up and got in his face, "let me get this straight you attacked Tyson because you are not able to smell his wolf? I would guess he hasn't shifted yet and you consider that a sign of weakness?" I turned around and looked at Tyson, "Tyson, don't let this idiot bring you down. In my old pack the late bloomers usually ended up strong wolves. They usually have an elemental or aurora power. If anyone has not shifted by their 16th birthday they are sent to the Shaman and tested. They are not bullied and pushed around by anyone in the pack. If someone would try they would be considered fools."

Chuck growled at me, "that is a stupid idea. Never heard of any wolf having such powers."

Elder Pettit said, "she is right. If you growl one more time you will be collared. Our pack has not had a Shamon in over a couple hundred years.  My grandfather talked about it, but their ways were lost with time. Even if he ends up not having the capability to transform we still will not tolerate someone being a bully. If this what you learned hanging with Xavier and Celeste? I know he was a friend of yours." Charles looked down to the floor in shame. "This is my fault for not teaching that part of our history to the pack. When this trip is over I will contact your old pack. I know none of the packs around us have a Shamon and see if we can send you there for testing." He then looks at me, "how did you get involved? I saw you make Charles submit. You were not quite to Alpha command, but damn close. You would not accept his submission."

"I was ready and my buddies were not. I had the door opened in our room to the hallway. I stepped out and looked to see if anyone was out there yet. I saw Charles push Tyson to the ground and transform. I shouted for help and ran. I could tell Charles had lost control and I transformed and ran faster. I knocked him off Tyson and yelled at him. He looked ready to kill or seriously harm Tyson. He then submitted, but I was still not ready to backdown. I was taught never turn your back on an out of control wolf because they can jump you. Then next thing I know you commanded me to shift and I did."

The room then was quiet. Elder Luna Pettit went up to her mate. She touched him and he turned toward her. We could see him relax and could tell they were mind linking.

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