Chapter 5

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The next morning we got up and had breakfast with the pack. We saw Celeste and Xavier and they were eating at a table in the corner and not with their families. I did wonder why and dad said, "that is the solitaire table this pack uses and if placed there it means no talking to them. It is similar to when we ground you. Now eat and ignored them." Then he started eating and we followed his example.

Then the trucks arrived after breakfast and we unloaded it and started unpacking our personal stuff to add to our house. My brothers were happy to get their toys. I was happy to get all my art supplies.

I was called and questioned by the alpha about what happened and then came back to unpack some more. Some of the seniors came over and helped us.

That night at 7:00 we reported to a large multi-purpose room. We all sat down and waited until Alpha Pettit walked up in front of the podium. "I am glad you all made it here for this unscheduled meeting. Last night at the lake the Senior pups were attacked. I will be the first to say that 2 of the 3 senior leaders let me down. I am very disappointed that one was my daughter, Celeste. The other was Beta's Thomas' son, Xavier. The next two weeks until school begins they will be collared and assigned Omega's chores. No one is to help them. Then on weekends once school begins they will have omega chores until the winter solstice. Then they will go before the Elders to determine if they have learned their lessons."

Celeste and Xavier were lead to the front and Celeste says, "but daddy."

Alpha Pettit growled, "I am not up here as your daddy. I am here as your alpha. When the rogue attack happened and a link was sent out for backup- you two were the closest leaders and did not come. When your guards were questioned they said you told them to stay put at the cave that is was just a prank from truth or dare."

"Honestly daddy..... I thought it was."

"Part of training was never to cry wolf and none of the pups in your senior class have never broken that rule. You were to busy with Xavier under the covers."

She looked shocked at him. "Guess you did not know Beta Thomas informed me that him and some warriors found you in the cave occupied. Now leave. Your normal rooms have been locked and there are some clothes and a room for you in the abandon slave quarters. Now leave and report for duty at 5:00am tomorrow morning."

They stand up straight and send glares to the seniors classmates at various parts of the room. Then walk out of the meeting.

"I will admit I am ashamed of those two and want to apologize to the pack for their lack of leadership yesterday. That being said, will all the seniors who were at the lake last night please come to the front."

All but Steve walks to the front. He is pushed by his brother in a wheel chair. It had been determined he had a broken bone that would take about a week to properly heal.. "Yesterday these  young pups..." He paused and said, "Wait these young adults showed great fortitude and kept calm in a bad situation." A few wolves howled or clapped their hands.

"Will Dean, Scott and Steve please come forward." Dean and Scott each grabbed a handle of the wheel chair and pushed it to in front of the alpha. "When I became Alpha of Crystal Moon Pack I had 50 special medallions made. These three young men who are just fighters in training helped load up and protect their non-fighter senior classmates.  Which lead those young adults to break away. Those classmates were able to send out warnings and everyone who was at the pack house was able to get to a safe room or report for duty.  I am rewarding you three medals 31, 32, and 33." He then places it over their heads and the pack can see the red, white and blue ribbon with a wolf head on a medal.

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