Chapter 17

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I start to get up, "I can help fight."

Alpha Gavin growls, "stay down. You are only a trainee." Then he stands over me. "What are you doing on this land. You were not invited."

One of the rogues growl, "we heard rogues were welcomed here and came to check it out."

"By trying to sneak up on us with large numbers? Now, once again, WHY ARE YOU HERE?"

"The two rogues on the other side calls out, RETREAT more rank packs members heading this way."

"One of the rogues whisper, please knock my brother and sister out. They are the two in human forms behind me. Don't make them go back. We seek amnesty. They killed out pack and parents." He then growls at me. He turns and growls at Gavin. Gavin lunges and knocks him out. One brother also gets knocked out. Then one of the rogues grabs the girl and takes off with her slung over his shoulder. Other rogues get across the creek.

Other Alphas and Betas arrive. I push out from under Gavin and turned toward the river. Gavin grabs me and holds me back. I start to fight him and my uncles come up and order me to stop. I growl at them, "they took the young pup. Couldn't you tell she was a forced shift on the other side of the river. She did not even look 15. We have to go rescue her." I turn as if you follow them.

"EMILY! STOP. You are trained well enough to know this could be a trap. If it isn't I promise on behalf of the Alpha Code and as your uncle that I will do everything in my power to rescue her." He then started guiding me back to training pack-house. The three rogues they captured were placed in the dungeon. "When the one rogue woke up he started yelling, "CAROLINE. Where is she

One warrior guard yelled, "shut up rogue before I shut you up permanently." Then I see him smack the rogue whom had asked for amnesty.

I continued my walked up to the Warrior, I tap him on the shoulder. I then glare at him and with a voice full of contempt. "I know this rogue and his brother are here under amnesty. He asked for safety for his family, and as Ambassador it was granted. What is your name Warrior?"

He glances at me and sneers, "Go back to your training pups. This is a matter for adults."

I growl using the alpha tone and say, "I repeat what are your names?"

The one guard looks unsure at the first guard who is still glaring at me. He replies, "sorry Alpha. His name is Wallowitz and mine is Caliski."

"Wally you can leave now," I then turn toward the other guard, "Now Cal it is unlawful to keep amnesty prisoners in the same cells as wild rogues. Bring him and his brother to the pack hospital."

"But we cannot just let a wild rogue into the hospital," Cal yammers.

I growl, "where is your common since? Did I state let them run free. I said for you to bring them. Until they have been interrogated and their story has been proven. They asked for amnesty. The amnesty been granted. They can be escorted and given proper medical care. The care will be done in the dungeon hospital ward. Even though the other rogue is true rouge you can clean him up. His eyes are not staying red, so he might be able to be saved. I know we are wolves, but we also are human. Show some humaneness."

I turned toward the older brother, "first of all the rogues carried your sister off during the battle. You said Caroline was your sister name. What is your brother and your name?"

"Seth and I am William Wright formally from Tonanka Pack."

Wally whom I told to leave, pushed me back and said, "listen girly. You are only an acting ambassador and have no real authority over us. Second, how do we know this isn't a clever escape plan." He then pushes me back against the wall. I stumble and hit my head during the fall on the edge of the only table in the hall.

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