PART TWO- Chapter 23

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I wake up later and am in the hospital with an IV attached to me and wires attached to me. Mom and Dad are there. I look at them and whisper, "what happened? Why am I in the hospital?"

Mom gasp, "your awake."

Dad says, "let me call the doctor," and he quickly leaves the room.

Mom says, "Em, we have been so worried. You passed out over two weeks ago in your dad's office. Daisy told us what happened at school."

Just then the doctor, dad, Alpha Pettit and Xavier walked in. My wolf growled when she saw Xavier. I have heard many wolves shut down when their mate rejects them, but I am ticked. I continue to growl and snarl at him from my bed.

Alpha Pettit commands, "stop. I now know why you were upset that day in your dad's office. I heard about Xavier's actions. After he rejected you he walked off. He marked and claimed Celeste. Then because you had not accepted or even knew you were to accept his rejection it caused you pain when he marked and claimed Celeste. That pain knocked you out for two weeks.  We need you to say, I, Emily Sheets accept your rejection, Xavier Thomas. This will totally break the bond and there won't be any more pain felt when they mate."

I look at them, "I was out for two weeks?" I then glare at Xavier and shout, "I am glad that a selfish prick like you are not my mate no more. I, Emily Sheets, accept your rejection asshole Xavier Thomas. May you rot in hell you jackass." I then look at him and then my parents, "mom and dad, I cannot stay here. He will soon be alpha and I won't be under his command."

Alpha Pettit growls, "no, he will not become Alpha. Him and my daughter will reap what they sew together. They are being shipped to my uncle's pack. I cannot make them rogues for their actions since she is my daughter. My uncle has agreed to take them in his pack. They have been demoted down to warrior status and all their offsprings will never go above the rank of warrior unless the moon goddess feels that they have earned it.

Now that you have accepted his rejection I am calling an emergency pack meeting in one hour. My uncle will then be arriving to escort them to their new pack. They will be departed by the end of the day now that you have accepted Xavier's rejection."

Xavier look at Alpha Pettit in disbelief.  "After talking with the Elders and since neither I or Beta Thomas have any more pups we have decided that we will work together to train your three brothers. Your grandfather and your Uncle are alpha's. Heck your dad if he wasn't such a book worm has alpha power just like you do too." I am looking surprised and shocked. "Now, I am going to go escort Xavier and Celeste to my uncle's lodging. I am glad you're awake and hope you will stay with our pack." He looks at dad, "you will be in charge since Beta Thomas and I along with our mates are escorting them and my uncle back. We want to see them settled in their new pack." He then walks out with Xavier.

The doctor kept me in observation for an additional 24 hours and then I was allowed to go home. I stayed home the rest of that week. Then the following Monday I headed back to school. It has been three weeks since I was last there. I walked outside my house and soon had Gwen and Daisy walking beside me. Then Scott, Steve, Bart, Shelly, joined my walk. I looked around and had a few other wolves from other packs join my walk to school. By the time we got to school all the seniors class wolves were walking with me. They were wolves I had met during training and not just my own pack. Some had been part of my team and others had been part of the competitive team, but I realized they were giving me their class support and I no longer felt anxious about going back to school.

When we got to school many headed to their own classes. Daisy looked at me and said, "we need to take you to the counselor. She will get you your schedule and set up make up time for the 3 weeks you missed. I don't know if you were told but 3 to 5 seniors stayed with you at the hospital. We maintained the buddy system with you the whole time you were there. The only times we were not with you was during school hours.

I was told once I made up my missed work I would not need to attend Saturday classes

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I was told once I made up my missed work I would not need to attend Saturday classes. Though was advised to use that Saturday to work on my contest entries.

I had Daisy in all but the Specialty Commons class. Gwen was not in the art class or specialty commons. The day I had specialty commons I was told I would take my wolf form and had 20 minutes to get there. If should only take 15 cutting through the woods and I would have an escort run with me everyday. If for some reason it would take me longer than the 20 allotted minutes I would stay that extra time over. If the weather was bad they would arrange a ride for me over there.  Then Saturdays was when I would make up my lost school hours work time. Then 3:30 to 8:30 I could work on my projects.

Then I remembered during camp I drew many drawings or took photos of various events. I wanted to talk to my art teacher and Elder Daisy which of these sketches and photos I should start to build on. I needed them to approve what I was doing.

 I needed them to approve what I was doing

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Then in what media I would do. Their was one wolf whom I was not sure who he was. He was one of the commanders of the camp. I caught him a few times watching our training. He seemed very interested in watching Connor's growth.

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