Chapter 24

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I was at the commons painting when I heard Mrs Zurich scream. I noticed it was almost closing time and hardly anyone was around when I ran outside.

She yelling to everyone she makes contact with, "Have you seem the girls? They were behind me one moment and the next they are gone."

Just then Mom ran up, "Emily, where are the boys? They asked if they could run ahead to you and wanted to paint a picture for your dad's office." She then saw my look and Mrs. Zurich's face. "What is wrong, Michelle? Did something happen to my boys?"

I reply, "Mom, the girls seemed to wonder away. We know if Barry, Harry or Larry saw them going somewhere they will follow." I look around and only see young mother's, their pups and Elders. The last dance class had just let out. "Since we are not feeling any pain we know they are ok. You guys link the Alpha and I will go look for them. I know their scents."

While mom protest, but knows she cannot shift she stays and give comfort to Mrs. Zurich who also cannot shift and I run to the path. I pick up all 6 of their scents and link to Steve and Scott, "I need you to do me a favor."

Steve replies, "we can't are sisters are missing. We are part of the search party."

"I know they are missing and my brothers seem to either be with them or following them. They were taking the trail from The Commons to the pack house, but they took the left fork instead of the right. This path goes toward the cliffs. Head that way from the pack house and I will head that way from the commons. Have some still remain on main path just in case they double back to the original path."

"Ok, we will meet you there. Will tell Alpha and have him direct the others to search the main path and other paths that shoot from the woods to the cliffs just in case they headed back to the mail trail. The girls don't know the trails very well, but your brothers do."

Then I continue running when I catch a scent. I stop and sniff the air, I link to everyone, "ROUGES NEAR CLIFF." I then run to the wooded area by the trail and stealthy move forward.

I hear in the distance the girls crying and a gravelly voice say, "Look what we found." I hear one of the girls growl and hear a snap. Then I hear a slap and thud like someone falling to the ground. I hear a whimper. I pick up speed. Just as I am ready to emerge I stop. My heart beats fast. I see my three 5 year old brothers jump in front of the girls: Merrie, Kerrie and Terrie. Barry growls at one of the rogues. "You will die. You hit my mate. You are a dead wolf walking and too stupid to know that. As future Alpha of Crystal Moon you need to leave our territory.

The rogue laughs, "you are too young to have a mate. We know this alpha only has a daughter. How about we tie you three up and then you can watch me take your Luna." He said in a condescending and evil tone. "We know you're not the alpha. The new Alpha will be the Beta when he is man enough to mate the slut."

Harry roars, "Xavier and Celeste are no longer part of this pack. You are seeing future top three and our mates. We will kill your whole group if you touch our mates again. NOW BOW AND APOLOGIZE TO OUR MATES.

I stand in the woods out of site still. I see three rogues bowing. "Please forgive us alpha."

I link back to the others, "there are six rogues here with the six pups. I see my brothers and Zurich's girls."

Alpha responds, "we are on our way there don't engage unless you have to."

The one rogue laughs, and three rogues bow, "you three are pathetic. Bowing down and believing their childish fabricated story. Get out of my site." Those three take off.  

"Three just took off down the middle trail," I link to them.

That still leaves three rogues. The rogue who acts in charge push my brothers out of the way, and grabs the closest girl. "Get rid of those three delusional pups." He continues to walk dragging one of the girls behind him.

I was shocked when I saw my brothers all transform and looked like adult teenage wolves. The three of them as a team jump on the rogue leader.

I then jump on one of the other rogues and push him into the ground

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I then jump on one of the other rogues and push him into the ground. I then kick the second one and he is thrown into a trees and his heart is pierced by a tree branch. I then see the guy I knocked to the ground is starting to get up. His eyes start to glow a reddish hugh. He goes up on 2 back legs. He gets taller and he lunges to grab me and stops mid transition. Just then Steve, Scott, their dad and Gwen arrives. Plus some guy who keeps sayin he is my mate, but I still feel no sparks. So I go back to ignoring him. We surround the beast and I demand he yields, but he still looks ready to pounce. Gwen runs into the scene. The rogues lock eyes and he automatically shift and is back being a man. Both Gwen and him say "Mate." Gwen wraps her arms around him.

Alpha Pettit and my dad arrive just as my brothers kill the one rogue.  My brothers runs over to the girls. They are growling and refusing to let anyone near them.

Alpha Pettit is growling and demands, "shift."I see them shiver and shake heads no. He steps toward then. "I said shift." He looks over at dad and says, "are these pups related to you? They are white?"

Dad says, "I have never seen them before. They do kind of remind me of my brother when he was about 18 and they have my family scent."

Alpha Pettit once again growls, "Shift or we will have to shackle you and put you in the dungeon."

I run and get in front of Alpha Pettit. "Stop that is Barry, Harry and Larry

He stops mid stride. "Impossible- these are teenagers size wolves. They are only 5."

I look at Alpha Pettit, "I saw them shift when the rogue they killed tried to take their mates."

Alpha, Dad and Delta all yelled, "WHAT!!!"

Just then Beta Calvin Thomas walks in, "hey alpha three other rogues surrender. They are being escorted to the dungeon to be question."

I see my brothers are snuggled up next to the girls. The girls are using them as a pillow. I walk toward them and Barry growls. "Barry knock it off. This is Emily. You might be scared but I am here and will help you. You have to calmed down. I will have all the unmated males leave this area. Just lay down your head down on your mate's laps. It's very late. We have Alpha, Dad, Gavin and the Zurich's staying with us. They will protect us. I know as alpha you feel the need to protect, but you have a few years before you have too. So let us let the adults do it now." I leaned forewarn and kiss Barry's forehead. "Their mom and our mom's are scared. Is it ok to have them join us just so they can do their mom things.

He nods his head and starts to drift off to sleep.

Alpha looks at Gwen. "I already let another rogue join who was mates. He looked at him, "what's your name and story?"

"I am Kent O'dell and the rouge king killed my parents. He made me join him before I ever shifted  "I just shifted a few months ago. He right now has my sister, Susie as leverage."

"Do you Kent O'Dell promise to follow my rules and obey the laws of the pack?"

"I do."

Alpha Pettit bites his wrist and says. "You are now a member of the pack but under probation. You are to stay with Gwen. We will work to get your sister free."

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