Chapter 36

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We have been training for months. We all have attended various funerals of friends and family as the war rages on.

Elder Daisy assigns up part 2 of the contest.

Part 2A:  Your instructor will take a photo. You are to use various media's to depict the photo. Then write a 5000 word essay about the various media's comparing them. Explain which one you found easier and why.

Part 2B: Your instructor will find a model. Using different types and angles of media's you are to depict this media.

We were all given the same photo and model to use.

One day in mid spring I am out with my mate. We took a run into the palace orchards. It was one of the few times we were on our own without others around.  We made love in the orchard and I looked at him, "Gavin, I love you." It was the first time I ever said it to him.

He mouth smashed hard down on my lips. When he came up rasping for breath. "I love you too." Once he caught his breath he added, "I been wanting to tell you that for months. I know when we came together at first there was no scent or sparks. When I touch you now with our mating and marking I know we both now feel them. I am so glad your my mate."

I looked at him puzzled, "what do you mean? I thought you said you felt sparks and could scent me. It was because of your different forms I could not sense it?"

He sat up and did not look at me, "when you were at Warrior camp I found myself falling in love with you. I knew from my first mate what the sparks and senses did to the wolf.  She came up to me one day and rejected me.  Then she took off to discover the world.  I knew that shattered feeling you were hiding when I met you at camp again.  I wanted to help heal you. I will admit I lied about those feelings, but I have not lied about what we built."

I looked at him. I was hurting because he had betrayed me. I got up and ran back to camp. I went to the trailer and cried.

A little bit later I felt a hand touch me. I was so lost in my misery I did not even hear my parents enter.  Mom said, "Gavin came to us. He told us he finally told you the truth."

I looked at them in disbelief, "you knew?"

Dad said, "we saw you responding to him. You had shut down some of your feelings after Xavier betrayed you. Yes, we blessed this union. We do feel the moon goddess also blessed this union because you two grew to have sparks."

Mom added, "don't you smell him?"

I sniff, "he smells of chocolate and vanilla."

Mom grins, "if you now have sparks and smell him then don't punish him. We have seen your bond get stronger over the months during this time. He loved you enough to tell you the truth finally."

I smile and sniffle, "thank you mom."

"Your welcome dear." She leans over and hugs me.

"How are all the pups doing? I need to go over to have a play time with them. They need to get to know their big sister."

"They are doing fine. Now is it ok for me to have your dad send Gavin in? Also, I can smell you. You are starting early stages of heat.  We need to get you to the special room."


Dad gets Gavin. Gavin scoops me up, wraps a blanket around me and they lead me to a special room in a different part of the castle basement.  As I am being carried there Gavin says, "I am sorry. I will never keep truths from you again. I did not mean to hurt you. You are my love."

I lean to his neck and kiss his mark. He shutters. Just never betray me again with lies of omissions.  Dad pushes us into the room and locks the door behind us.  Gavin carries me across  the dungeon. I noticed they had turned it into a bedroom. He lays me across the bed. He kisses me and I feel my body going wild.

We made wild passionate love for four days in various ways. I think I met everyone of his forms.  It was when he was shifting from one form to another that o e of the servants who were bringing in our food discovered his secret.

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