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May 3rd, 2010

Mr. Stark had been working on some project for some time now. He barely left his workshop and ignored most of Pepper's intercom buzzes. I was worried at; first, it's not healthy to stay away from people, food, water, and sunlight for as long as he had, but Pepper assured me that he has everything he needs in his workshop. Well, apart from sunlight, that is. The assignment, 'Protecting T.S.', was not as time-consuming as I thought it would be, but I still lost sleep over it. He may have been a couple of floors below me at night, but that doesn't mean I couldn't still hear him. On May the first, I heard a rather loud thud and broke into action, grabbing my handgun and sprinting down the stairs. Rather than finding an intruder, I found Pepper sitting on the couch, reading a book.
In the late morning, I heard a knock at the door and went to answer it. There stood Obadiah Stane, holding a pizza box, looking down at me. "Good evening, Mr. Stane. What can I do for you," I smiled.
"I'm here to see Tony," he said in a bored tone.
"Been trying to do that for a hot minute," I laughed under my breath, "Mr. Stark has not left his workshop in quite a few days, but I'm sure if he hears you're here, he'll make an appearance. I'll ask Ms. Potts to go down there," I made my way to where Pepper was sitting on the couch, "Pep, can you try to get Mr. Stark up here?"
"I'll try," giggled Pepper after greeting Mr. Stane and made her way down. She came back a couple of minutes later, slightly flustered, and said, "He'll be up shortly, please make yourself comfortable," before sitting down on the couch.
"Do you mind if I," Mr. Stane trailed off.
"No, of course, go ahead," Pepper assured him, seeming to know what he was talking about. Mr. Stane made his way over to the piano and began to play a beautiful melody. One of my many regrets will always be not taking up piano, but I never seem to have the time to.
Mr. Stark comes upstairs a few minutes later and asks, "How'd it go," he then noticed the pizza box on the coffee table, "It went bad, huh?"
Without stopping his playing, Mr. Stane said, "Just because I brought pizza back from New York doesn't mean it went bad."
"Sure doesn't," Mr. Stark opened the pizza box, "Oh, boy."
"It would've gone better if you were there."
"Uh-huh," He took a bite of the pizza,  "You told me to lay low. That's what I've been doing. I lay low, and you take care of all th-"
"Hey," Mr. Stane got up from the piano and walked over to Stark, "Come on. In public. The press. This was a board of directors meeting."
"This was- This was a board of directors meeting?"
"The board is claiming you have post-traumatic stress. They're filing an injunction."
"A what?"
"They want to lock you out."
Now, to me, this sounded like pretty bad news, but apparently to Stark, this wasn't something to sweat over.
"Why, 'cause the stocks dipped forty points? We knew that was gonna happen."
"Fifty-six," Pepper butted.
"And a half," I added.
"It doesn't matter. We own the controlling interest in the company," Mr. Stark raised his voice slightly.
"Tony, the board has rights too. They're making the case that you and your new direction isn't in the company's best interest."
"I'm being responsible," exclaimed Mr. Stark, "That's a new direction for me, for the company. I mean, me on the company's behalf being responsible for the way that...This is great," Mr. Stark got up and took the pizza box with him.
"Oh, come on, Tony. Tony!"
"I'll be in the shop," said Mr. Stark, clearly done with the conversation.
"Hey, hey! Hey, Tony, Mr. Stane got up, "Listen. I'm trying to turn this thing around, but you gotta give me something. Something to pitch them. Let me have the engineers analyze that. You know, draw up some specs."
"No. No, absolutely not."
"It'll give me a bone to throw to the boys in New York!"
"This one stays with me. That's it, Obie. Forget it."
"Alright then, well, this," Mr. Stane took the pizza box from Mr. Stark, "Go on, here, you can have a piece take two."
"Thank you."
"You mind if I come down there and see what you're doing?"
"Good night, Obie," said Stark as he made his way down to his shop, "Williams, show him out, would ya?"
"Sure thing," I called after him, "Right this way, Mr. Stane."
"Pleasure to see you again, Ms. Williams," said Mr. Stane when we arrived at the door.
"Yes, and please, call me Lilith," I said politely.
"Sure, but you've gotta call me Obadiah, and you've gotta take one of these slices. I won't eat the whole thing."
"Oh, alright," I chuckled, taking a slice, "Have a good night, Obadiah."
"You too, Lilith."

A/N: Hello, my darlings! I'm back with another update! I'm sorry if there are more grammar mistakes than usual; Wattpad won't work on my computer for some reason. I love you all, and thank you for the reads and votes! :) <3

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